Part 13: A Windia Mountain Than Most
13. A Windia Mountain Than Most
First things first, something incredibly important is tucked away in this house.

Yes. Just take all of my money, I dont care.

Shrug is starting to wipe out all of those annoying status effects. Unfortunately, petrification is going to have to wait a little while longer. But immunity to paralysis and confusion is fantastic and to a lesser extent not having to waste a charge or potion on healing blind is nice too.
Actually, I think Im basically done spending money now because theres nothing important left to buy. I have like 7600 GP so I could really just buy 99 seeds and call it a day but wheres the fun in that?

Theres also an arms dealer in here but theres pretty much no way youre still using the grenades so... moving on!

This house has a seed vendor but she cant get any seeds with this wind. I guess that makes sense.

...where are your parents?

They have posters for this sort of thing, you know.

Oh, right, we were doing something.

I kinda like to think shes tapping Shrugs shoulder because hes zoning out.

Hmm, I suppose thats a pretty reasonable assumption to make. Lets take a quick rest before we go because were in a bit of a state healthwise.

And actually, the last battlefields have opened up. This one gives 2808 EXP.

They have a unique background as well so well be coming back later on too. As for now though, weve got a new enemy in the Water Hag. Theyve picked up Whirlwater as a way of dealing paltry damage to both Kaeli and Shrug. They still have counter and are weak to Fire, but theyre really pretty simple to kill despite that. They can also cure themselves which is annoying but its easy to deal with.

And this one gives 2700 EXP. Battlefields really go out with a whimper.

On the way to Mt. Gale is this temple, but I dont think theres anything worthwhile here other than some easy Heal Potions.

Alright, enough faffing about. Mt. Gale is honestly pretty brief. There are shockingly few enemies, especially compared to the Giant Tree. Its more or less based around finding your way around some rock that just happens to be precisely in your way and totally impassable.

Vampires are upgraded Fangpiresactually, every enemy were going to see from here on is a palette-swap if I remember right.

Theyre hardly threatening. I think their strongest attack deals about 200 damage and thats laughable. Theyre really weak to wind, like several other enemies in this section of the game. Yeah, I know, youre probably really surprised by that.

This bridge is a shortcut of sorts, if you took the staircase up when you first arrive hereor you can be dumb like me and go in a circle

Heres where we want to be.

The strangely shaped boss is beyond these inarguably insurmountable rocks.

So we basically have to go the long way around, and thats more or less a straight shot. The bottom and middle path at this bridge will lead you to the boss. The top path

leads you to this little treat.

Unfortunately its pretty disappointing. It provides a little more defense, but were not going to see many enemies throwing around fire attacks nowadays. Like, only three are coming to mind.

I love how rude this guy is and how he points out that coming here was just a huge waste of time and effort.

This can be a pretty rough fight. Dullahan doesnt have a hugely exploitable wind weakness like Gidrah did and he hits both hard and often. In fact, he has no weaknesses! Hes actually resistant to Fire, but why are you still using Fire?

White and Meteor will put the hurt on him though. Shrug was hitting for almost 2000 damage with Meteor so just throw those out if you have them. Kaelis better off using Aero than attacking.
Dullahans moves are nothing to sneeze at. Headdoomerang, which is possibly the best name for a move ever, hits both party members for 340. Rapier was doing 465 per hit. Thunder Beam was even more dangerous at 500. Kaeli can heal both members for at least 900 HP though so I guess its not very threatening at all! He does have Doom Dance, which is basically an assured one-hit kill since its a more accurate Doom Powder.

This fight went incredibly well for me. Doom Dance might have sunk me if he decided to use it like crazy but he mostly just stuck with Rapier and Headdoomerang. This is seriously it for Mt. Gale and nothing happens after the boss is dead. Definitely very short compared to the Giant Tree!

Back in Windia, the gusts have stopped with Dullahans death. Im not sure why because he had nothing to do with anything? In the meantime, this idiot kid climbed on the roofbut I guess he must have a Dragon Claw too if he can get over there so the kids alright by me.
Gonna grab a couple of seeds in preparation then head back

to Ottos, where hes literally going to make a road out of a rainbow.

He heads downstairs and a few seconds later

What? Thats the dumbest elevator ever. Who would design that? Pazuzu? Pazuzus an idiot.

No, seriously, its Rainbow Road.

Ride a giant tree: check
Walk across a rainbow: check
Next time: Save Crystal of Wind: to do

I don't know why, but Windia has always been my favorite town. At least, it will be after clearing out the last of the Vile 4's dungeon. Maybe it's because it's the only town with Dragon Claw posts, I dunno.