Part 7: Homecoming
Monday September 15, Outskirts of TyrThe Watcher enters Covenant in search of the Total Codex.

About a month has passed since Madrigal was liberated, during which time we apparently havent done much. That ends today, as The Head has sent us off to sunny Covenant, where the buildings are wrecked and the dead crawl around. Were trying to find the Total Codex. One intrepid group was sent to get it earlier, but havent checked in for too long.
Let's Play! Myth 2: The Fallen Levels 05- Homecoming | YouTube
Exactly whose home this is I dont know, but in any case we barely managed to escape. On lower difficulties, you can actually save the original team, but on higher ones, its basically impossible. I could have run flat out for them, but it would have cost far too many vets to make it.
Let's look at the scoreboard:

So far, firBolg are at the head of the pack. I dont remember them being this vital.