Part 8: Flight from Covenant
Monday September 15, Shepherds Gate, CovenantThe Watcher razes the ruins of Covenant in search of the Total Codex.

This level starts directly after the previous one. We are still in Covenant, and we are still trying to escape with both The Total Codex and our lives. The Watcher is in full pursuit, now fully aware they were here and, while its unknown if he knows what we came for (likely), that really doesnt factor in to wether or not he wants to kill us.
Let's Play! Myth 2: The Fallen Levels 06- Flight from Covenant | YouTube
Escape has never looked sweeter! I took the easy way out through the Wight-infested swamp, steering will clear of the Myrmidons. When I first played this game, I misread it as Myrmidians and proceeded to call them that when discussing the game with friends. Good times, good times.
Let's look at the scoreboard:

We saw two new units, but didnt fight either- Myrmidons and Soulblighter. True, we blew up a Myrmidon, but thats not really fighting per se. As for Soulblighter, he simply laughed at us and left. I wont even say fled.