Part 12: Ambush at Devils Outlook
Friday November 14, Devils Outlook, BagradaThe Deceiver attempts is driven back; Stalemate for the Winter.
This level pits the single worst combination of antagonists, for us anyway- Dwarves vs. Soulless. Fight!
Let's Play! Myth 2: The Fallen Levels 09- Ambush at Devils Outlook | YouTube
Full confession; I dont like this level. I didnt exactly do amazing, but I kept the veterans alive (for the most part) and didnt lose any Berserks (except one but one is like zero, just with different letters). This level is really a mess. You have to manage large numbers of dwarves to keep them from killing each other, and you have to use them against Soulless.
Let's look at the scoreboard:
I gave those missing two kills to the Dwarves. I think they got them, just after the official buzzer.