Part 18: Seven Gates
Sunday December 7, Seven GatesMaeldun secures Seven Gates; The Watcher escapes over the mountains.

This is one my my favorite levels- the Dark does half of the work for you! The Narrator doesnt really say what the objective is this time, so if you skip the mission objectives, you are really going to be in for a nasty surprise at the end of the level. Speaking of which, lets go watch it!
Let's Play! Myth 2: The Fallen Levels 14- Seven Gates | YouTube
In case you missed it, the blue guys were agents for The Deceiver, and the grey ones were remnants from The Watchers army. Hey, blue versus grey, hmm, no symbolism there, none at all
Although I must say, it was more common for CSA soldiers to be seen in butternut than grey, as the Confederacy didnt really make its uniforms, well, uniform, until the war was in its last year or so. But anyway.
Let's look at the scoreboard:

Archers totally ruled this one.