Part 23: Sons of Myrgard
Sunday May 23, Near MyrgardThe Legion heads North toward Balors fortress as Balin and the dwarves attack Myrgard.

Time for another sided quest from The Legion proper, but this is a good one. Its another hero-based mission, this time around a special dwarf! This is the legendary Balin, a pathfinder dwarf. Hes invisible until he does something to draw attention to himself, such as touching a ghol, walking through water, or throwing a bomb. Hes on a suicide mission to the dwarves homeland, Myrgard, to try one last time to stick it to the ghols that took it over.
Let's Play! Myth 2: The Fallen Levels 18- Sons of Myrgard | YouTube
So the cave we walked into is a secret level. A secret level that we wont see until next time!
Let's look at the scoreboard: