Part 26: The Road North
Monday June 15, The Edge of the Dire MarshThe Legion enters the Dire Marsh. The Watcher lies in ambush ahead; Soulblighter follows behind.

Moving on from those fun but fleeting dwarf-only levels, lets rejoin the main body of the Legion. In case you forgot, the war at large isnt going well. The Head betrayed the Nine somehow, and the Nine are themselves now down to less than half their original number. All but one of the Fallen Lords are still alive, and two are on our trail. At least we have Alric with us, I suppose.
Let's Play! Myth 2: The Fallen Levels 20- The Road North | YouTube
So thats a fun little mission. You get an awesome bow, and the leisure to run around and stomp people. Good fun for all!
Let's look at the scoreboard: