Part 2: Defense of Yürsgrad

The territory of Gower comes under attack from Myrkridia.

Narrator posted:
August 8th, 1426 A.E., The village of Yürsgrad, territory of Gower
This was known as 'The Dark Time' - when living nightmares haunted the lands. With the falling of the sun, unearthly cries undulated from hidden caves as devils stalked out of their shadowy nests to feast upon beast and man alike. They were the Myrkridia. And they were slowly hunting humanity into extinction.
Two human settlements were all that remained in the known world. The splendid city of Llancarfan, and the humble territories of Gower. Llancarfan was the seat of the Cath Bruig Empire, and its towering walls, built in the Age of Reason, were too fortified for even the Myrkridia to scale. The lands of Gower, though, were a different matter.
The clansmen of Gower were hearty people, who worked a hostile and unforgiving land at the edge of the world. For hundreds of years, the Myrkridian devils made prey of the peoples of Gower; stalking from the Dire Marsh to raid their homes and villages. Although many stands were made against the Myrkridia, not a single town was saved. The devils were unstoppable.
On this day, the Myrkridian horde had slaughtered their way to the outskirts of the town of Yürsgrad, the oldest and mightiest town in the territories. During the fore night, unholy wails drifted from the hills outlying the city. Yürsgrad was surrounded. Its doom appeared imminent.
Clansmen who could fight gathered the people to the center of the town, making preparations for their last stand - all the while watching the descending sun and waiting for the darkness to bring their doom.

To help pad out video posts, I'll be adding some terms that you might want to know about, terms that would be boring to talk about in the video.

1431 through 2430 AE
Ruled by forces of Light (Humans and their allies)
Preceded by The Wind Age, Succeeded by unknown/The Sword Age*
Named after Connacht the Wolf, the greatest hero the world of Myth has even known. A time when humanity grew and prospered after Connacht began eliminating the Myrkridia. Ended when Balor sacked Muirthemne, starting the Great War.
*Myth: The Fallen Lords begins during the Great War in 2480. A Myth encyclopedia calls this The Sword Age, but the "Sword Age" is referenced exactly once, and might not be referring to this time.
Myth 2: Soulblighter begins in 2541 AE.

431 through 1430 AE
Ruled by forces of Dark (Myrkridia)
Preceded by The Age of Reason, Succeeded by The Wolf Age
Named because during this time, human civilization "was like dust in the wind". Began when a powerful evil sorcerer named Moagim, shortly before his death, summoned the Myrkridia into the world. Humanity had been reduced to the city of Llancarfan, their protectorate The Twelve Duns, and the nation of Gower. Myth 3 begins in Gower in 1426.

570 HC through 430 AE
(HC is like our BC, and increases as you go further back in time. Oddly, I can't figure out exactly what happened in year zero.)
Ruled by forces of Light (Humans and their allies)
Preceded by The Axe Age, Succeeded by The Wind Age
Humanity's greatest era. Began when Tireces killed Sorangath the Flayed. Clovis the Bruig formed the empire of the Cath Bruig. Mazzarin, the most powerful magic user of all time began teaching his knowledge.

Years before 570 HC
Ruled by forces of Dark (The Trow)
Preceded by nothing, Succeeded by The Age of Reason
Ruled by the Trow after the creation of Myth.
We'll be hearing more about the people and races discussed above during later updates.