Part 54: The Traitor

The traitor makes his move against Connacht.

Blip YouTube
Goons present:
Dwarven Demolitionists
Broken Box
Tiny Turtle
Ursus Veritas
Heron Guard
TaskMaster Flex
Narrator posted:
September 26th, 1440 A.E., The heart of the Nornpass
Upon finding Moagim's force, the band of heroes fought like wolves, cutting their way to the form of Moagim. There, Connacht and the Faceless Terror squared off as the battle raged around them. After a sword battle the likes of which had never been seen, Moagim clutched his final wound and dropped into the snow and mud. The undead in his army began to shiver, collapsing into piles as the magic that held them together was no more.
The war had been won, but at a terrible price. First the Smiths of Muirthemne and the people of the Downs, then the Oghre and the Twelve Duns had perished. Even the Emperor himself had given his life to this conflict.
But now, finally, the terror of Moagim's war was over.
With Moagim's blood still wet on his sword, Connacht lead his battered force back down the Nornpass...

Magic artifacts of great power. Those wielding an Eblis stone are said to be unstoppable in battle. Alric used one of these artifacts to defeat Balor in the Great War by paralyzing him, allowing a group of Berserks to deliver the killing blow. There exist only five in the world, and appear as a rock the size of a man's fist. I believe these are supposed to be fragments of the God Wyrd but this connection isn't made explicitly clear.

A standing mirror that somehow is an instrument in casting or assisting resurrection spells. The mirror seems to be a portal into the spirit realm, calling forth souls and making them corporeal. It's used in Myth 2, saying more would be a spoiler.