Part 56: Multiplayer Session 3

Here's what people are saying about the following video:
Vaos posted:
There's explosions everywhere OH MY GOD AAAAAHHH!!!
Felime posted:
I'm not sure what's happening, even...
Corbeau posted:
zzzZZZZZzzzz *grnk* .......zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzz.......
EvilUrchin posted:
What is the point of this?!
Following up on my threat way back, our first video is Corbeau's favorite game type:
Body Count Deathmatch featuring dwarves. And introducing the Felime RapeCam!

Last Man on the Hill aka 'A Lesson in why you don't kill Guava's Soulless'
Steal the Bacon - Like last man on the hill but with a mobile target.
Assassin - First team to kill a specific unit wins.
The Gates of Myrgard Co-op - Legendary difficulty, no overhead map.
Territories - Who ever controls the most flags at the end wins.
Two pieces of bad info in there - once you control a flag, you don't need to leave a unit there to hold it. Also the Myrkridian Warriors go into rage at low health, attacking the nearest unit, friend or foe. I forgot they did that.
Body Count featuring the raw power of GIANT SPIDERS!