Part 25: Flight From Covenant - recap
Mission Recap
Game film: LP Flight From Covenant (TFL 1.5)
Another mission with some relatively large-scale fights involving the units we're already familiar with. No ghôls this time in the enemy forces, just a bunch of slowpokes really (with an exception that I'll mention in a minute), but the mission does drop a couple of interesting situations on us by a) starting us out surrounded by hostiles and b) introducing us to the effects of water on travel and combat.
We're trying to escape from the suburbs of Covenant with the Total Codex, The Watcher presumably hot on our trail. "Bah'lal" from the thrall flavor text is the (alternate? previous? "real"?) name of The Watcher, and in the Myth fiction he appears to be the reanimator of thrall, so I guess we shouldn't be terribly surprised to get a metric ton of thrall unloaded on us.
A few other notes about the units in this mission:
- Our group's leader for this mission is Mauriac the warrior captain. The sharp-eyed viewer may remember that we had a (regular) warrior unit named Mauriac back in Crow's Bridge. If that's the same guy, the ex-prince-regent of Covenant, then it's a little unusual that he was "slumming it" in the ranks... make up your own story about that as you like.
- We get a glimpse of some new enemy units, the myrmidons. Nasty mummy-like dudes that are fast and dangerous. We don't end up fighting them this time, except for one that we managed to get exploded... no credit for that guy in the postgame casualties report though.
You will see more of them quite soon.
- And of course we got a cameo by Soulblighter, one of the Fallen Lords that is perhaps second only to Balor himself. For some reason he doesn't appear to be particularly interested in dealing with us at the moment. Does he think The Watcher has things in hand, or is he hoping that The Watcher will fall on his face? He might not have known that we had the Total Codex, which could have changed the situation... probably we had a narrow escape there.
Click on the overhead map below if you'd like to see the full-resolution landscape texture.



And the cumulative bodycount: