Training Nightmare
'New' co-op map designed for 3 to 5 people ideally. This is a 'hold the hill' type item on the training map with the following features.
  • Auto journeyman - he will heal injured units on his own, retreat from thrall/myrms/soulless, attack ghols that get too close, and heal wights that come near him. You will receive him near the end of the game. He starts with 32 roots, but when you get him he will only have 1 left
  • Random waves
  • Annoying ghols and wights
  • Special Modified CTF rules for game over. If the dark push you off the flag and hold it without you contesting it for about 5 seconds, you lose. 'Flag Captured/Flag Lost/Flag Contested' warnings will be given. Leaving the flag does not itself lose the game, but a dark unit taking the flag while you are not there will trigger the 5 second 'flag lost' delay
  • Ending Popup Thrall will send you running for your life
Notes: This is my first attempt at a 'new' level. In testing it was found to be quick and enjoyable - I hope you agree.
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