Part 89: Across the Gjol - mission

The Legion's rearguard tries to hold Soulblighter at the Gjol.

The Narrator posted:
Wednesday June 24, The South Bank of the Gjol
The Legion has reached the Gjol, the poisoned river which feeds the Dire Marsh. Soulblighter has been continuously engaging our rearguard for the last two days. Between this and the Watcher's many ambushes along the way, it seems as if the two Fallen are racing to see which can destroy us first.
We will cross the river at midnight, but leave a number of men in ambush for Soulblighter when he tries to follow. Alric intends to hit the Watcher while Soulblighter is delayed, and then flee north before either can force a decisive battle.
Yesterday I saw iu'Shee, captain of archers, with a fist full of white arrows five feet long and tipped with fragments of bone. I lost track of who was carrying the Watcher's arm when we fled Silvermines, but I suspect it's turned up again.
I was one of the men chosen to hold the Gjol against Soulblighter.