Part 128: NIER Backstory: Timeline 2010 to 2011
NIER Backstory: Part 6 - Timeline 2010 to 2011----- 2010 -----

- February:
- First recorded case of White Chlorination Syndrome outside of Japan reported in Chinan
- Legion appearance in Asia confirmed soon after.
- Outbreak of WCS confirmed in several countries all across the planet.
- Research on the disease is intensified internationally.

- April:
- WCS and Legion appear worldwide; rioting and civil unrest accelerates on a global scale as the infection spreads.
- The survival of Legion commander "Red Eye" confirmed.

- June:
- Research on the corpse of the dead Dragon proves the "Multiple-Origin Theory", which states that another world exists in a parallel universe from this one. The Dragon and the Giant of the 6-12 Incident are determined to have intruded from this parallel world.
- Research on the intrusion from the other world reveals the presence of particles which should not exist in this universe. These particles are found to be remnants of the Giant of the 6-12 Incident. The otherworld element is labeled "Maso".
- The origin of the WCS is announced to be caused by Maso. Transmission of the infection is shown to be through bodily fluids and waste. Coughing and saliva can also transmit Maso particles through the air. No physical means, such as heat from explosives or nuclear weapons, can destroy Maso generated WCS. Ironically, the nuclear attacks on Japan only served to spread the WCS inducing element on a global scale.
- Breakthroughs in various technological fields come about with the discovery and study of Maso.
- Research on the "Multiple-Origin Theory" continues and reveals that energy is stored equally through the multiple worlds.
----- 2011 -----

- October:
- The classified facility conducting research on the Dragon's corpse is attacked and destroyed by an unknown armed party.
- The body of the Dragon vanishes. Rumors circulate regarding religious cults and rival governments being the perpetrators, but no organization steps forward to claim responsibility.
- Investigation into the attack is quickly suppressed. No further information is revealed...