Part 130: NIER Backstory: Timeline 2014 to 2016
NIER Backstory: Part 8 - Timeline 2014 to 2016----- 2014 -----

- March:
- The Gestalt Project begins in an effort to contain the spread of WCS. Research is conducted into "Gestaltisierung" - the process in which souls are removed from the human body utilizing Maso reactions.
- First Gestalt experimentation on a human succeeds. The test subject's soul is removed from its body and later re-united with no ill-consequences.

- May:
- Using Maso to absorb energy from other worlds, experiments succeed in breaking the law of conservation of mass by "creating something from nothing". The process is later called "magic."
----- 2015 -----

- Month unknown:
- The Gestaltisierung process is revealed to the public and is wildly rejected by the populace.
- Despite the lack of popularity of Project Gestalt, research continues in finding a solution for the potential problem of a Gestaltized soul which has lost its body.
----- 2016 -----

- February:
- "Luciferase", a medical compound which can greatly slow the onset of White Chlorination Syndrome is developed.

- May:
- Luciferase is administered to select individuals who soon form an elite military squad with hopes of directly combating the growing Legion.
- This organization succeeds in several battles again the Legion forces. Several similar movement utilizing Luciferase vaccinated squads crop up worldwide.
- Several of these units band together to from the "1st Crusade" squadron.
- 1st Crusade Squad battles the Legion, but are ultimately defeated and the entire unit is wiped out.

- December:
- Research discovers Luciferase to be more effective in younger patients. Children with exemplary physical ability are given preference for Luciferase treatment and urged into Legion combating squads.
- The "Hamelin Organization" is formed. It is an internationally funded group committed to train soldiers, mostly teenagers due to the Luciferase compatibility, to fight the Legion...