Part 136: NIER Backstory: Timeline 3361 - 3366
NIER Backstory: Part 14 - Timeline 3361 - 3366----- 3361 -----

- Android Observers Devola and Popola set up Gestalt Nier as the Shadowlord, the savior of the Gestalts, and assist his movements in setting forth the final step of the World Purification Commission's Project Gestalt. He is told this will allow Yonah to return to her Replicant body and be restored.
- Gestalt Nier obtains the original Grimoire Noir.
- With the guidance of Devola and Popola, Replicant Nier obtains Grimoire Weiss. They have him obtain the Sealed Verses to restore Grimoire Weiss' power for the fusion with Grimoire Noir.
- The Shadowlord has doubts in the Grimoire Project's success and abducts Replicant Yonah to be certain his daughter is restored to her body.
----- 3366 -----

- Replicant Nier and Gestalt Nier face off in the "Shadowlord's Castle". Replicant Nier defeats the Shadowlord and reclaims his lost daughter.
- With the death of Original Gestalt, Nier, and the destruction of the original Grimoire Noir, Project Gestalt is unable to proceed. The plan has failed...
- Without the Original Gestalt to provide purified Maso to other Gestalts to retain their self awareness, all Gestalts will eventually enter relapse and die out.
- Without Devola and Popola to maintain the Replicant System (and the subsequent loss of data due to mass relapses) coupled with the Replicants inability to reproduce, no further Replicants can be created.
- Humanity's final generation begins its inevitable decline...