Part 47: Episode XLIV: They're Coming...

Episode XLIV: They're Coming...

Looking pretty stormy out, huh...?

...That is kinda weird. Ya know...given the lack of precipitation anymore and all... A bet a good thunderstorm would freak these people the fuck out...

Oh well, let's head home. We need to tell Yonah we helped out her pen pal and the like.
Music: Village Room Ambience

Nier tucks Yonah in like a good dad. They have a little chat afterwords...

There isn't any way this story is ending well, is there...?

Nier exits the house...

Nier rushes up to Popola's office...

Nier dashes over to the other end of town...

Just as Popola said, the required medicinal moss is easily found over by the southern gate. Though... Something else awaits here as well...

Nier rushes over to Emil's side. The boy collapses just as Nier arrives...




Well folks... You know what they call situations like this...?

The shit...

Music: The Dark Colossus Destroys All

...the fan.

A goddamn legion of Shades is pouring in from the Southern Gate. Nier needs to run his ass across town to help combat them with extreme prejudice.
Nier hauls ass to do just that. He runs into Devola by the town square...

Devola runs off toward Nier's house...

There is anarchy out in the streets as a huge mob of Shades are piling into the area. Something has certainly pissed them off. I sure do hope that newly complete set of arcane spells has nothing to do with these unfortunate events...

Nier and Weiss do not at all appreciate assholes steppin' on their home turf and cut a bloody storm of violence across the market street until over two dozen Shades' innards are repainting the town's brickwork.
Meanwhile, at the southern gate...

At least the Village had the sense to have a reinforced secondary gate in case of the ever looming threat of the RPG protagonists' home town being razed to the ground by evil forces cropped up. That ought to keep out those Shades that Nier is just finishing mopping up...

...Or not.

Uhh...that... That ain't good...

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the climax of Part One of NIER. Buckle up...

Oh fffffffffff (Probably worth watching)

Music: The Dark Colossus Destroys All