Part 61: Episode LVIII (Part 1): Seasick

Episode LVIII (Part 1): Seasick

Music: Song of the Ancients ~ Devola

Kind of a dick move back there by the twins and the villagers. But, at least Nier has had a night to cool down. If this were Caim, he'd have punted both their severed heads into the pond by now and had Red raze the rest of the town. Not to stick up for his friends or anything. Those guys were a bunch of awful jerks. You just didn't say "no" to Caim...

Alright, off to go bug Popola. I wonder what the running count is now...

As a sidenote, those two thieving kids really do end up staying at the Library with Popola after that earlier sidequest. I guess Popola must have some back bedrooms and the like somewhere around here. Or maybe she had a pad in the basement and she can finally get back down there now that there are no homicidal Shades or petrified women in their underwear blocking the path.
I do not even want to imagine what five years of Shade droppings smells like...

So there is now a fast travel option between towns. The ferry runs straight between Seafront and the Village, as well as just outside Facade. Honestly, I never really used the thing much since it's not much of a lengthy trip either way and hell...I just like killing Shades.

Having said that, I think we could use a little break from adventuring for a short while. Emil's Mansion Underground and freeing Kainé was basically an extended opening to Act 2. From this point on we're pretty much free to go do what we please now that the band is all back together. So why don't we go ch-NEW SIDEQUEST!
Sidequest: The Damaged Map

Hmm...old documents? Well, that narrows it down a bit.
¡La bibliotheca!

Poking around the upper level of the Library just outside of Popola's room will reveal a document which catches Nier's eye.

Let's not. The strange-thing store of Facade is unusually popular with questgivers in Part 2. But, we're still not heading over there until we have a better reason to do so other than the village blacksmith wants to be a nude Scrooge McDuck.

One town that gets the shaft in Act 2 of NIER is good old Seafront. There is almost never a reason to go visit the dump in the second half of the game. If you just stuck to the main quest, you'd never once need to set foot in the town again during the second half of the game. And if you just stuck to sidequests as they came up while traveling around, they still seldom involve the coastal village.
So, let's take a little field trip and see how Seafront has held up over the half-decade interval since our last visit.

As an aside, we will never ever be setting foot in Emil's mansion again outside a couple of very short, easy, and forgettable sidequests. Those poor frozen saps in the courtyard are frozen forever and nobody even mentions 'em. The gang can go re-enter the Underground Facility to grind Shades if they're into that kind of thing. But otherwise, the manor is rather spent for the duration of the game.

A boar trip to Seafront later... Thank the heavens boars were badass enough to survive the mass extinctions over the last five years...
Music: The City of Commerce (Seafront Theme)

It's been some time since we've seen this crummy troll filled town. Seventeen updates or so, to be exact. Let's see how the townspeople have held up in our absence.

It's gotten by extremely shitty, as it turns out. Far worse off than Nier's Village even. With the legions of Shades now roaming the wastes, Seafront has basically become an island surrounded by the ocean on one side and a sea of Shades on the other. As a result, all trading has utterly tanked.

Much like how the children in the Village are no longer allowed to frolic outside of the main hub of town, the kids in Seafront are barred from going near the ocean anymore. And this is for fairly good reason...

A massive Shade washed up in town a few years ago and massacred half the village as well as unleashed a Black Scrawl epidemic that is still killing a fair number of people to this day. It least it's always sunny in Seafront or else this would be getting kind of dark.

There is actually a piece of concept art for the shipwreck in Seafront. It's possibly they were planning for Nier to go battle the giant fuck-off Shade at some point. As it stands, the townspeople managed to gang up and finally kill the thing on their own and one of the NPCs mentions the wreck was swept out to sea in a typhoon last year. Oh well.

Remember that kid that said her friend wouldn't come out because his hands were turning black? Yeah...that didn't end well.

All the shopkeepers in the market district are pretty damn desperate to make a sale. Though, with supplies so short, the prices for many goods have gone way up through the roof. A single melon now costs 1,200 gold a pop...

Alcoholism has gone from a policy of "It's 5 o'clock somewhere!" to "Oh hey, I'm partially aware of my surroundings...time for another few shots!" Uplifting stuff.

The Seafront blacksmith has a variety of new and unique (as well as extremely pricey) wares in his shop. The Phoenix Dagger, in particular, is one of the very best one-handed swords in the game. We'll do some shopping another day. We've barely gotten a chance to try out our newest sword as it stands.

Down by the beach we fin-hey... HEY! WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE SEALS?!

Okay...there's still a couple left. Just a couple. The number of seals lazily rolling about the beach sand has gone from six or seven to...two... And this is why I walk between towns and murder every Shade that even looks at me funny.

Mr. 51% up by the lighthouse recently got dumped because his gold-digging ass of a lady-friend wasn't happy that her supply of expensive pretty things had dried up due know...half the town getting slaughtered, the economy going bust, rampant disease, and starvation. Sucks, bro. That one was a real catch.

The postal service has kind of run into trouble given the herculean effort just to get from town to town nowadays. Shorts as a part of standard uniforms still remains.

Hahaha... Oh dude... Have you paid any attention to how shit is rolling downhill these days?! Your brother's innards are staining a wall red somewhere right around now.

The fishing industry has gone belly-up as well due to most efforts being devoted to holding back the Shades from overrunning the town and people basically being afraid of going near the water for fear of pirate Shades.

Furthermore, it seems the oceans are churning up a good pace out to sea making sailing rather dicey. It is not at all helped by the fact that most of the remaining fishermen are fairly inexperienced given the death toll in recent years culling many of the veterans.

I am not even sure what to make of that last one. Anyhow, like any good populated town in NIER, Seafront has a new slew of sidequests to undertake. The vast majority of 'em are backburner material which either involves tons of material grinding or else trips to faraway lands that Nier will not be undertaking at this juncture. We'll take a gander at those quests next time. For now, let's try out the single quest line that does not involve leaving Seafront.
Sidequest: The Strange Fate of the Jewel

If Nier goes and gabs with some of the locals, they will reveal that the old Lighthouse Lady was the resident expert on jewels. Well, we're about five years too late for her to be of any help in the search.

Sure enough, Nier now needs to make a trek back to the lighthouse. I thought we had some closure with that old battle-axe. But, I guess I was wrong. Luckily, it seems nobody has touched the lighthouse in the last five years.
Music: Repose (Seafront Room)

Letter From 50 Years Ago... posted:
"...I am enclosing the Mermaid Tear with my next letter. It is the only thing I have found in this world that can hope to compare to your beauty."

Second Letter from Long Ago... posted:
"My dearest, I fear I cannot send the Mermaid Tear at this time. I hope you can forgive me for this terrible slight."

You heard the magic talking book... To the post office!

A trip to the back room and a block puzzle later...

Some time passes while sifting through the room...

The Mermaid Tear Package Note posted:
"As promised, I am enclosing the Mermaid Tear. Unfortunately, with this gift comes a piece of sad news. My love, I fear the illness which ravages my body will soon claim it. My dreams of traveling to you are all but lost. I desire so to give you this stone with my own hand; that I cannot is my greatest regret."

Nier takes the Mermaid's Tear back to Postman Hans...

Nier explains the situation...

We are now given the option as to the fate of the Mermaid's Tear. I'll let you jerks decide the quest's outcome...
Voting Options:
- Option 1 - Bury the jewel in memory of the woman. I suppose that would be a nice thing to do.
- Option 2 - Give the jewel to the client. Her story seems to line-up with the dates. Though, it's a bit weird it belonged to her grandfather...
- Option 3 - Fuck it. Sell the thing. It's probably worth more on the open market than that girl is gonna offer.
I leave it entirely in your hands. Bold your vote or I'm not counting it. I'm getting too old for this parsing vague replies shit.