Part 62: Episode LVIII (Part 2): The Fate of the Jewel
Episode LVIII (Part 2): The Fate of the Jewel
Alright, the votes are in. Looks like we are just going to see this quest to its initial completion.
The alternative options yielded:
- Option 1 - Nier just hands over the pearl to the postman to go bury at the Lighthouse Lady's grave off screen. The postmaster just kind of shrugs and goes "cool I guess". You get absolutely no reward and the client leaves disappointed you weren't able to dig up anything. It is the clear cut worst option. Stop being a sentimental asshole. You knew the Lighthouse Lady for like a half hour.
- Option 3- Nier just goes fuck it and sells the thing. Weiss berates him for being kind of an out of character asshole with that one. You get a healthy sum of gold for your trouble. The client is disappointed you didn't find anything.

Nier returns to the questgiver...

Nier receives a nice 10,000 gold reward and...that is it. No explanation as to how the Lighthouse Lady's lover and her grandfather are connected. Were they the same person? Did the departed steal it and send it to her love? Was the lady just full of shit? Who knows! What, did you expect some big revelation? Pfft. Lamer. The end...