Part 63: Episode LIX (Part 1): Mysterious Errands
Episode LIX (Part 1): Mysterious ErrandsMusic: The City of Commerce

Welp, that was rather anti-climactic, mmm? Oh well, they cannot all be winners. Anyhow, while we are farting around Seafront, let's go take a look at what other menial tasks for some quick cash are available.
Sidequest: Staying Afloat

Well, we have more than enough Dented Metal Boards and we're just a few Stripped Bolts short. Those are for sale over at the Two-Brothers' Weaponry or an uncommon drop in the Junk Heap. Logs are a rare drop in the Southern Plains and for sale in the village for a nominal fee. No, just cutting down a tree or two is not an option.

So, it's not too much trouble at all to complete that quest. But, a trip to the Junk Heap is not happening at the moment. So, we'll let that simmer for a bit.

Next up we have...oh geez, not this seasick bozo again... Terrific!
Sidequest: Learning a Trade

Well, that doesn't sound too bad. We're going to need to make a list of all the crap we need from the strange-thing store at this point. And we're not going back to Facade yet so feh...

The next questgiver is located...oh...oh fuck my life...
Sidequest: The Fisherman's Gambit, Part 6

The Fisherman's Gambit is the only questline that survives both halves of the game. It can be started and completed in either half. Though, the second slew of quests do not trigger until Act 2.

That said, a fish that live in the sand...? Okay, that's a bit odd. But whatever... We'll get back to you on that one.

Next up is yet another visit to the Seafront Lighthouse. A man parked out front has a task for Nier.
Sidequest: The Masterless Lighthouse

Uuugh... How on earth is a switch ever "mysterious"? Buttons, sure. But switches? Come on! That's just silly talk.

That said, all three items are uncommon drops down in the Junk Heap and even if I wanted to go get 'em, I'm not going to do so right now. Can everyone stop asking me to go to the Junk Heap and the strange-thing store?!

Alright, there is one last quest in Seafront at the moment. And indeed, this is the only one that doesn't involve material grinding in the Junk Heap or treks across the desert. Let's have a look...
Sidequest: The Scattered Cargo

The cargo itself is not at all hard to locate. In fact, the first piece is washed up on the beach at the end of Seafront itself. Easy money.

The thing is that this quest has a decidedly large branching path. Unlike the previous quest with the jewel, this one has two entirely different outcomes, rewards, and even dialog depending on how Nier decides to handle said quest.

The crux of the branching path is a decision as to whether or not Nier will sneak a peek inside the cargo containers he is collecting. Nier is given the option with each crate to look inside or not. But, we're not doing any of that wishy-washy crap. Nier is sticking with one policy or the other. And I am shifting the onus of that decision to you jerks.
Voting Options:
- Option A - Pick it up without looking inside. The old lady is paying us not to open the container and we do not want to break an assignment due to curiosity. Best not to mess about.
- Option B - Pick it up and look inside. After all, who the hell knows what this thing is. It could be dangerous. Or...or...who know? Mystery! Just a quick peek...
I leave it entirely in your hands once again. Bold your vote or I'm not counting it. I'm getting too old for this parsing vague replies shit.