Part 76: Episode LXXI: Despicable Deeds
Episode LXXI: Despicable Deeds
Music: Junk Heap Field

So at this point in the journey, there are no new objectives other than going to bug Popola for the umpteenth time. Yeah...I guess we could do that... But eh...those sidequests aren't gonna 100% themselves, are they?

Should Nier and the gang bugger off for a bit to go boar drift racing or play bongos with Emil's head while practicing for their garage band or whatever those goofs do on their down time, then return to the Two Brothers Weaponry, Gideon may have a new sidequest for Nier. Let's take a look...
Sidequest: The Shade Army

Luckily, both of those materials are fairly common drops and Nier already possesses more than enough of the required junk in his inventory. So, he can immediately hand it all over to our slightly crazed gearhead for the next leg of the quest.

A few hours later...

Right, then. Another trek through the Junk Heap it is... Joy of joys. This particular trip is rather brief. The first floor of the Junk Heap is almost entirely abandoned, no doubt thanks to Gideon's frequent raids. So, it is a fairly clear journey to the busted elevator on the far side of the map. Going up!

The second floor of the Junk Heap is quite tight quarters and absolutely filled to the brim with about a hundred Shades. I guess they were planning on having some members only mosh pit up here. Time for the gang to break that noise up. They're clearly violating multiple fire codes.

The final room of this Shade club house is an utter clusterfuck where it's hard to tell what is going on just to the sheer carnage of murdering dozens of Shades every second. That said, it's pretty damn fun for how chaotic a brawl the whole affair proves to be.

Higher level armored Shades join the clash during the middle of the massacre. These guys are pains in the asses thanks to quick, unblockable rolling attacks they'll use to zoom around the area. Especially, when there are two or three of 'em at a time doing the same attack.

Dozens and dozens of dead Shades later...

Looks like this party has been canceled. I'm sure Gideon will be happy to hear that. Or perhaps not...we might have to lie about decommissioning some robots along the way to please that nutter.
Returning to Gideon...

Oh well... At least he seems happy with bludgeoning robots to death. Plus he gave Nier 30,000 Gold for his trouble. I guess that is something. Not sure what he's always going on about with building weapons to kill robots. He's the only blacksmith in the game that never offers any new arms for sale... Anyhow, let's head back to the Village. There is one last sidequest to tackle back there...
Travelling back home...
Music: Song of the Ancients ~ Devola

This last sidequest for today takes Nier to a random villager hanging out in the market district of the village. One thing I like about NIER is that they really do use damn near every single NPC in the game for a quest or two at some point.
Sidequest: The Despicable Man

Lucky for Nier, there just so happens to be a sentry at the northern gate with a damn great memory for random jerks leaving town half a decade ago. Sure, why not...?

The Forest of Myth, huh...? Maybe we ought to pay it a visit... Please tell me there are no romance novel text adventures....
Traveling to the Forest of Myth...

It seems Mr. Armchair General and dismembered corpse story might have some insight into our missing disco medallion man.

To Seafront it is... Please do not tell me this jerk got a green card to Facade as well...

It appears that a young woman loitering about the central plaza of the town has some more info on our elusive lady's man.

The plot thickens. The mailman outside the post office seems to possess more intel on the shyster we're hunting.

Hmm... Beat it north...? What, to The Aerie...? Those jerks would go tell Mother Teresa to go get bent, much less some woman stealing con-artist. We're going to need more to go on than that...

It seems some dude catching some rays on top of the fishmonger's stand also remembers this d-bag we're after.

Uhh...the Junk Heap... Five years ago... Womanizing asshole... Like to run off with women...? Oh...crap... I...I think we might have already "met" this guy...
Nier and the gang hop a boat to the Northern Plains...

Back to Doc Wily Jr. at the Two Brothers Weaponry...

Nier quietly excuses himself from the joint...

Geez Louise, Cavia. I think the universe has shat on Gideon's crazy ass enough in Part 2 of the game. Did you really have to go retroactively add in that his mom was abandoning him and his brother with a conman that was probably just going to rob her blind and ditch her after a couple weeks had they not both gotten mashed by robots...? Sheesh!
On the way back to the Village...

Yeah...Weiss, I don't think you were paying very good attention to this sidequest. Though this somewhat lengthy investigation neglects to name our sleazebag despicable man, Grimoire Nier states his name was "Carlo" (named after Pinocchio's author, Carlo Collodi.) Gideon and Jakob's mother was named "Blue" (named after the Blue Fairy in Pinocchio.) Gideon is named after the swindling cat from the same book. Jakob's name was changed in translation from "Jiminy" (referencing the cricket of course.) Jakob itself is a reference to nothing. If I had to hazard a guess as to the name change, it's probably to avoid Disney lawyers having a stranglehold on even vague references to Pinocchio.
Returning to the client...

Well...that was certainly... A thing... I uhh...think we ought to take a short break from sidequests. These haven't been going very well lately. Ergh...then again the main plot hasn't either... Hmph...

Despicable Banter