Part 96: Episode LXXXIX: Dirge for the Hero
Episode LXXXIX: Dirge for the HeroMusic: Emil ~ Karma (Hey! Go listen to this! It only plays twice in the entire game and it's probably one of the best tracks.)

Deus Sechs Machina to the rescue! Aww yeah!

Goose gets to its feet after its temporary shit ruining and is probably confused as hell as to the identity of these masked jerks who just made him into a makeshift pincushion. In any case, the King of Facade, Advisor Neun, and the Men of the Mask all join in the battle to take down the rampaging Doom Boar.

A few of the Men of the Mask rush over to start busting open the sealed door to the north...

The Men of the Mask manage to yank open the door, allowing Nier and the gang to continue onward deeper into the Shadowlord's Castle...

Whether they want to or not...
Music: Emil ~ Karma (Piano)

Nier, Kainé and Emil get forcefully shoved out of the chamber by the Masked Soldiers and the King. Fittingly, it's up to NIER's version of Link and his men to take out the giant pig monster. Nier and the gang have bigger fish to fry.
The Men of the Mask begin sealing the door behind them...

The doors slam shut...

Goose revives yet again...

Nier's still furiously pounding on the door to get back in and help his Facade buddies outside the chamber. It has little effect.

Kainé finally gets fed up with Nier wasting time when the King has clearly made up his mind and slaps the taste out of his mouth in order to get his shit together.

Big Damn Heroes (You should definitely watch this.)

Music: Emil ~ Karma
Music: Emil ~ Karma (Piano)
Emil ~ Karma (Piano) Download: