Part 99: Episode XCII: Farewell
Episode XCII: FarewellMusic: Song of the Ancients ~ Devola

Welp, we just landed #1 on Popola's grief crazed shitlist. Now she's hell bent on doing everything possible to murder the shit out of Nier for offing her sister and only companion for the last millennium. Terrific.

There isn't really much of a "fight" against Popola to speak of, to be honest... She just flips the fuck out and blasts a chaotic endless stream of energy balls all across the room. And she barely has any health to begin with. Apparently that shared life bar in the first fight was ¾ Devola and a quarter Popola. As such, she goes down extremely quickly to Nier's blade.

So, I'll do screenshots for the rest of this cutscene for completion sake. But, just go ahead and watch the video below instead... Alright...?
Popola Fight Conclusion (Go watch this!!)

Popola explodes in a burst of energy. Not in the "Mega Man robot master" explodes sense. No...more in the "you remember how Emil nuked The Aerie a few weeks ago..." kind of way...

The explosion of power takes out the nearby bridge leading further into the Shadowlord's "Castle". That is...probably not good... Not good at all... Most definitively bad.

Emil recalls that silly bubble escape Popola and Devola made during their first battle and decides he's a badass mage and can totally pull that shit off too. Emil is the best.

Well hell... Nothing is ever easy... This has been the worst friggin
Music: Emil ~ Sacrifice

Emil dives out of the bubble shield...

Emil shoots off one last magic glyph to push the bubble with his friends off to safety as he's drawn into the mass of dark energy Popola seems to have created.

A little tiny bit of Emil's shield floats down to the crater below...

...And disappears forever when it touches the ground.

Popola ~ Full Boss Battle

Goodbye My Friends! (I already told you to go watch this!)
*The subtitle says Nier's name. Though Emil quite clearly says Kainé.