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The Let's Play Archive


by fourhorns

Part 9

It's time at last to purchase the shiniest, expensivest and most huggable deck of them, the Ono-Sendai Cyberspace VII.

We trashtalk Edo with Asano and get a decent discount, and the deck is ours. Con automatically transfers all the softwarez from the UXB. We could toss it out now but we're gonna go ahead and hang on to it for sentimental value.

We're pretty low on cash, and we're gonna need a lot of skills and money to last us in cyberspace...

...thank you.

A bit of shopping an upgrading skills around the city.

Con now has:
Debug 4(for repairing software)
Logic 1
Musicianship 1
Cryptography 4
Coptalk 2
Software analysis 2
Bargaining 1
Hardware repair 2
ICE breaking 1
Evasion 2
Psychoanalysis 1
Phenomenology 1
Philosophy 1
Sophistry 1
Zen 2

And here it is at last, my friends: CYBERSPACE

Con enters cyberspace and breaks into Regular Fellows

That went fairly well! There are more bases in Zone 0, we're gonna break into them in due time, but first I wanted to show you Chrome getting his arse handed to him by Con's amazing skills. Unfortunately Vice crashed and that NEVER happens, must be related to recording! If you have sound on you get to hear a bit of the kicking tune the game plays once in a while.

AARGH what the hell

Here's the end of that fight as not recorded, the money is different because I had to do it over:

No u

There isn't a lot of interesting stuff in his database, this is the only thing I found amusing:

The skills we used to fight Chrome are all upgraded to skill level 2 after that.

The only other interesting base in zone 0 is the Panther Moderns, where we find some pretty decent upgrades. We get several copies of Thunderhead and upgrade Blowtorch and Decoder.

From here on the gameplay changes significantly in that we need to move around in CYBERSPACE and break into bases to upgrade warez and stuff, move on to the next base with better warez and move back to download one-shots and so on. I'll show you the interesting stuff but for the most part it's just the same as we've just watched in the videos.

Jacking in at Hosaka grants us access to Zone 2, where we find a differently shaped base.

This is too tough for Con right now.

We can pretty much wander into any office we like and jack in.

Fuji's base, which is tougher still.

Musabori Industries. Also in Zone 2 so I won't bother jacking in here until we need to. Besides we have their link code.

And Sense/Net. We don't have a link code for them, but we'll get booted out if we stick around without the pass. When our software is up to scratch we'll be back here to break their ICE and see about those ROM constructs, whatever they might be!

Next time: We grind for software and maybe we'll discover something interesting?

PS Do you want more videos? Turns out they're really easy to make with Vice.