Part 1: Only Love Could Be So Cruel

Betrayer's Theme
Mask of the Betrayer is a fantastic role-playing game and has the finest story ever written for the computer screen.
That's all that needs to be said, really. I feel that Mask is a truly excellent story and game. Honestly, it's the one thing that gives me hope for the medium as a whole; it's better than Knights of the Old Republic 2, better than Planescape: Torment. Hideo Kojima? Ragnar Tørnquist? Forget them, Obsidian Entertainment are the ones to watch.
But I don't think I'm doing a very good job of explaining myself, so I'll start again.

Mask of the Betrayer is a fantastic role-playing game and has the finest story ever written for the computer screen.
Mask is the expansion pack to Neverwinter Nights 2, Obsidian's second game. NWN2 was a solid, traditionally epic high-fantasy RPG set along the Sword Coast of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. It was a good game, maybe not a classic, but it was big and quite funny and it had flashes of brilliance.
You may remember (from playing the game or from reading the LP) that NWN2 ended poorly. The player character defeated the malevolent King of Shadows, only to be buried alive in a rockfall... a bit of a bummer as you can imagine.
Mask picks up almost immediately after where NWN2 left off. We'll be following the same character as they explore a strange new land and uncover a terrible secret hundreds of years in the making. It's a whole new story, so you don't have to be familiar with the events of NWN2, but it helps!

All right, so you're still not buying it. Okay, let me put it like this:
Mask is a story about truth, and the differences between what is obvious and what is actually real. It's a story about learning and knowledge, and also about ignorance and falsehoods. It's a story about self-discovery.
Mask is a story about death, and the dead. It's a story about God, the gods, and the godless. It's a story about what happens to you after you die, and why bad things happen to good people (and the other way around).
Mask is a story about love. Not a love story, mind, but a story about capital-L Love. Love of family, love of friends, religious love, love for your country and, yes, romantic love.
But enough repetition, on with the show!
