Part 3
Act One Chapter One - Safiya

It begins.

And we're back.

We're not feeling so hot right now. Our physical stats have been lowered slightly on account of the gaping wound in our chest.

And all of our useful junk is gone. Our potions, scrolls, wands... everything that we weren't physically wearing has vanished, including our Silver Sword of Gith.
At least we've still got our Harvest Cloak!

Much better.
Now... so far, so Obsidian, right? We wake up in a strange and desolate place, with no memory of how we got there, and only a wisecracking skull/gunslinging smuggler/enigmatic wizardess for company. The only thing separating Mask from Torment and KOTOR2 is the lack of a bizarre, unnatural curse that sends us on our epic adventure.
But we've only just got started. For now, let's get acquainted with everyone.
* * *

You should remember Calliope from NWN2. She's had many names over the past few months: Harborman, Shadow Thief, Kalach-cha, Knight-Captain...
Calliope's a Rogue/Assassin/Invisible Blade, which roughly translates to "good with a knife." She can distract enemies into becoming flatfooted, vanish into the shadows, then re-appear to hamstring them from behind. She can even cut through an earth elemental and still dice tomatoes!
She's also got skill points coming out the wazoo. Calliope's a talker, not a fighter... and if said talking involves the wholesale surrender of all the enemy's money and equipment, that's all the better.
* * *

This is Safiya.
Safiya is voiced by Julianne Grossman (Listen here)
As she said, Safiya is a Red Wizard of Thay. Red Wizards are one of the big asshole organisations of the Forgotten Realms that like to run around doing dickish things to other people (and each other). Their homeland, Thay, is a nation built on slavery and aggressive expansion; their current leader is Szass Tam, Zulkir of Necromancy and a powerful lich.
The closest we've come to Red Wizards in CRPGs before is probably Edwin Odesseiron, the super-sarcastic conjurer from Baldur's Gate 2. The Red Wizards we see in Mask have a slightly different aesthetic but the underlying ideology is the same: magic is power, and power is everything.
Again, though, as she said, Safiya isn't like most other Red Wizards. Safiya is interested in magic, but as an academic subject of study, not as a means to advancement. Safiya is also very non-aggressive, almost passive; she doesn't believe in slavery or tyranny, she doesn't start fights or pick arguments. She's True Neutral, which translates to being ethically flexible without actually being cruel.
- likes knowledge and academic study, especially of magic
- likes her Academy and her mother
- likes being complimented and joking around
- dislikes threats and insults
- dislikes appeals to emotion

One of the new prestige classes introduced in Mask is the Red Wizard of Thay class, pretty much made especially for Safiya.
In terms of crunch, Red Wizards are all about the specialisation. Normal (boring) wizards can cast spells from any of the eight schools of magic; specialist wizards get bonuses to casting spells from one school (and a bonus spell slot) in exchange for being unable to cast spells from a second, prohibited school.
Red Wizards take this one step further: they lose spells from another school again, in exchange for more bonuses to their chosen school's spell saves and spell penetration. So, Safiya is a Transmuter; she loses Conjuration as a specialist wizard; then loses Illusion as well as a Red Wizard.
It's not as good as it sounds. Specialist wizards are good because they gain the extra spell slot, not because of the improved saves. The real attraction of Red Wizardry is access to 'circle magic', in which lesser wizards power up their superiors, but that wasn't implemented in NWN2 for reasons of complexity.
It doesn't really matter. The point is that Safiya is a Red Wizard Transmuter, which means she's more of a 'support and debuff' wizard than a 'heavy artillery' caster.
Note also that Safiya is accompanied by Kaji the homonculous, a 7 Construct/5 Rogue. If we weren't a Rogue ourselves, it'd be Kaji pulling trap-finding and lockpicking duty.
* * *

Let's take a look around.
The Lower Barrow is a pretty small area but there are some important clues to find. We'll find out more about who this skeleton was later.

Then there are these runes. I'm not sure if we should be touching them - Safiya said something about a binding enchantment...?
Well, only one way to find out.

Good idea.

Unfortunately that might be easier said than done.

Interesting. I don't believe we ever actually introduced ourselves to Safiya - and for once this isn't an oversight on Obsidian's part.

Oh no not again
Influence is back, with a vengeance. Thankfully Mask's Influence system is probably the strongest implementation yet.
We'll revisit Influence later, when we've got a few more companions in the party. For now, just be assured that making friends with your companions is a lot easier, a lot more forgiving and a hell of a lot more transparent than in NWN2.

In the meantime, we have a whole barrow of angry spirits to fight.

We lost all our weapons in the intro cutscene, but luckily for us Safiya planned ahead and brought a short sword and a crossbow along, just in case.

Just in time. A Barrow Guardian (think pared-down Earth Elemental) was lurking just around the corner.

Nice little set-up down here, if anyone ever felt like setting up camp in the bottom of a cave full of angry spirits.

There's a dagger and a spell scroll hidden in the debris, along with a book called The City of Judgement:
Bound in blackened leather, the pages of this tome are brittle and cracked. The text is barely legible, faded and written in a spidery hand:
In my dream I saw a city, gray and forbidding, beneath an empty sky. Before its gates came a hideous procession - all the dead of the world, of a hundred worlds, awaiting the judgement of the gods.
And around the gray city loomed the Wall. Its bricks were souls, mortared by a foul green mold. These souls were the Faithless, who had denied the gods in life, or had never truly believed.
I drew nearer the Wall, and at once I heard the screams of those Faithless souls. "Cursed are we," they cried, "who denied the jealous gods, and now are forsaken." And other voices answered them, saying "Remember the Betrayer's Crusade. Remember the Betrayer, who swore to bring down the Wall. Have patience, for the Betrayer may yet return..."
After this, the original text has faded so badly that it is illegible. But someone has scribbed feverishly in the margin: Another reference to the Betrayer's Crusade... though Myrkul's priests deny its existence. The truth is in their vaults... in the whispering scrolls... the Lamentations of the Dead...
Well, I suppose that's our first lead as to what's going on here, exactly. Not sure how much use it'll be, considering it's badly out of date: Myrkul was deposed as god of the dead in 1358 DR and it's currently 1374 or thereabouts.
It's better than nothing, though.

We find a tunnel leading up to the rest of the barrow. Unfortunately it's a big barrow and there's a lot of ground left to cover, which leaves plenty of opportunity for us to get ambushed.

See what I mean?
Nice paint-job on the dire wolf, by the way.

Ooh fuck. We don't look so good.

Oh Christ!

Agreed wholeheartedly.
What have we gotten ourselves into?