Part 6: Gannayev-of-Dreams
Act One Chapter Four - Gannayev-of-Dreams

Shortly after the Witches depart, these two come running up to us.

Oh. Clerics.
Myrkul was the old god of the dead. Kelemvor is the new god of the dead. Relations between the two are understandably a bit frosty (or they would be if Myrkul wasn't dead himself. It's the Forgotten Realms, just roll with it).

We'll work on this quest next update. For now, we have a date with our second companion.

Mulsantir prison. There are stocks and a graveyard just out of sight - these Rashemi don't mess around, do they?
Sheva said we could find allies here. Hey, can't be any worse than the last bunch...

Our first interviewee is Mighty Groznek, a purple mutant native to Rashemen!

Rashemen has hags like the Sword Coast has orcs. Which is a bit harsh on the Rashemi because the hags are all immensely powerful spellcasters and orcs are... orcs.

Hmm... bloodthirstiness is a desirable attribute in our company, but we're looking for someone with a bit more 'team spirit.'
We'll call you back.

Our second interviewee is equally as unhelpful.

Whatever. I didn't even want you in our club anyway!

Our only hope lies behind Door Number 3...

This is Gann - or rather, Gannayev-of-Dreams, to give him his proper name.

Our third prisoner is a bit full of himself, don't you think?

Fortunately after NWN2 we know how to handle over-inflated egoes.
There's another conversation option we could have taken if we'd had some ranks in Spellcraft (which we don't):
: [Spellcraft] What are these wards around your prison?
: {Mock contempt} Oh, those? I hadn't noticed. Did some child come by with a handful of chalk and scrawl them there?
: [Spellcraft] Well, possibly, considering the skill - but someone altered them once they were scribed... from the inside.
: {Slight surprise} I had not noticed that - curious. I had thought they were intended as reversals of binding wards... but you are correct.
: Hmm. A mystery, indeed. Who do you suspect of altering them? Not me, I hope. I have an alibi.
: [Spellcraft] If you did this, you are extremely skilled with runes and wards.
: {Smiles} Ah, the sweet arrows of flattery have found their target.
: {Slightly interested now, player has made him curious} You may actually be worth speaking to for a time. {Frowning} But I have forgotten what precisely it is that you want. {Slightly chilling} I am not a reader-of-minds, you know, so out with it.

How much does this guy know, exactly?

Not quite enough, it seems.

There's lots of different options here, some better than others.
The full list:
: [Intelligence] You may think yourself safe, but you still must be bored in there.
: [Diplomacy] Seems to me that besting the bear god of old might earn you enough clout in the spirit world for centuries to come.
: [Bluff] If you're too frightened by the idea, I can get the old witch warden to help me instead.
: [Taunt] Are you such a coward that you would hide here while the army runs rampant through the streets?
: [Intimidate] Because unless you prefer execution over imprisonment, I suggest you reconsider.
: {Lawful} In exchange for your freedom, you help me. A fair trade.
: {Chaotic} Why not come with me? It'll be more exciting than prison.
: I need every able-bodied soldier I can get. And if I can't get that, I'll settle for you.
You can't actually fail - once you've asked Gann to help you, he's yours. However, you'll lose Influence for being boring or brusque. A successful skill check that isn't Intimidate will avoid this possibility...

...and certain options will even boost his Influence.

* * *

Gannayev-of-Dreams is voiced by Crispin Freeman (Listen here).
As you may have noticed, he's kind of a dick. He loves himself, very much so, and takes every opportunity to remind you of how smart, handsome and experienced he is. And no, I'm not referring to his character levels.
In fairness he's not (entirely) serious. Although he holds himself in high esteem he's more than happy to be knocked down a peg or two, provided it's done in a sufficiently amusing manner. Obviously that's a load off our mind, after all the tiptoeing we did in the previous campaign, but the real question is: is this the mark of a man who can have a laugh at himself every now and again, or of a broken child incapable of interacting with anyone in an honest and direct manner?
That's what Gann is all about, really: questions.
- likes doing what he wants, when he wants
- likes wordplay and flirtation
- likes being respected for his dream- and spirit-related skills
- dislikes duty, honour and having obligations to people
- dislikes clumsy insults and crude threats
So far pretty much everyone wants to be nice to all the companions we meet in Mask. That's fine, makes my life a bit easier, but what I'd like to know is if we want to romance Gann. Gannayev's the female romance option (as Safiya is for males) and you've seen a hint of that already in the recruitment conversation. Pursuing a romance won't dominate our relationship with Gann, oddly enough: it's a fairly low-key thing. Most of the emphasis is placed on his personal development rather than the two of us as a unit.
Anyway, I will need to know whether we really like Gann or if we just want to be good friends. Or not friends at all, if anyone feels strongly about it.

Ooh, okay, check out Gann's character sheet. Hagspawn, is it? And Spirit Shaman too?
Hagspawn is a special race (for Gann only) that gets extra Strength and Constitution and inherent bonuses to Armor Class and Spell Resistance in exchange for penalties to Charisma and an adjusted character level of +2. Y'see, hags are all female (duh) and cannot reproduce amongst their own kind, so they take mates from the human population. Female children grow up to become powerful hags... male children become non-magical hagspawn.
Like I said, hags are kind of the orcs of Rashemen, so that makes hagspawn half-orcs. They suffer from a lot of the same problems: big, dumb, short-tempered, disliked by both parental races, and incredibly ugly.
Which makes ol' handsome Gann a bit of a mystery. Weird, huh?
The other thing to note is his class, Spirit Shaman. The Shaman is one of the two new base classes introduced in Mask, the other being Favored Soul. Both are essentially divine Sorcerers, casting from a small pool of known spells a large number of times. Other than that, they are much the same as their older counterparts: the Cleric for the Favored Soul, and the Druid for the Spirit Shaman.
The exception is that the Spirit Shaman has a different fluff to the Druid (Native American animism rather than European nature-worship) so the special feats and abilities differ. Gone are the animal companions and wildshaping, replaced with Chastise Spirits (damage all spirits within 30'), Follow the Guide (reroll any failed save vs. mind-affecting spells) and Spirit Journey (Ethereal Jaunt once a day), amongst others. The Shaman abilities aren't as flashy as the Druid's but they are perhaps more varied.
Also, Spirit Shamans gain spells based on Wisdom, but their spells become stronger with Charisma. For all his beauty, Gann's got some catching up to do in that area.
* * *

Gann has a few choice words for his former jailer on his way out.

This is Gann's other ability, unique to him: the power to visit the dreams and memories of others. It's a power we'll be seeing more of later in the game.