Part 8: Spirit-Eater Needs Food Badly
Act One Chapter Six - Okku

Spirit Army Prelude
With Gann and Kaelyn recruited, there's not much else we can do to prepare for our battle with Okku.
So we're checking in with our companions, see if they have anything interesting to say. Maybe even something helpful!

And you say he's only gotten stronger between now and then. Great.

Well, if he's immortal, we don't really have any choice in the matter. God, I hope he's Lawful.
Speaking of Lawful...

All right, Lawful Evil dialogue option!
Companion interaction in NWN2 was limited to say the least. Companions would have a short dialogue tree in which you could ask basic questions, maybe have a few opportunities for Influence... but it was completely static. Once you'd spoken to them once, you never had to speak to them again.
In Mask you get additional conversations for each 'story step' in the game. Step One was Okku's Barrow. Step Two was finding Lienna dead in the Veil. Step Three and the others come after we defeat Okku. Usually for each step at least one companion will have something useful or interesting to say - and the others will look as though they're responding to important plot events, just like real people would.

This is the Step Two dialogue for Safiya.

We'll be dealing more with Safiya's Academy soon enough.

* * *

Outside, Gann looks pained.
Is it gas? All that prison food couldn't have been good for him.

No, wait, it's a nasty outbreak of ellipsitis. He must have caught it off Safiya.

Gann's dropping a few hints from the designers here. The upcoming battle with Okku? It's a gimmick fight.

* * *
We're all set to go. Okku's just outside the

Oh yeah, Kaelyn's siblings.

Gosh, Kaelyn, did I forget to mention that the god of bears is trying to kill me? Must have slipped my mind!

Gladly. I've already got three idiots ready to die for me, I don't need these two creeps as well. Also Efrem is starting to piss me off for some reason.

* * *

Gann gives us one last chance to ask him how to beat Okku, then...'s time for battle.

Spirit Army Battle
This is the big ending boss fight for Act 1, and it's as hard as you might expect.
You start off very close to Okku - a very large, very strong melee opponent who cannot be killed until the rest of his army is destroyed.
So the correct strategy is to Hide in Plain Sight and let Safiya, Gann and Kaelyn handle him.

Which they do quite well! Provided you buff them properly and summon in some minions.
With all those Recitations and Stoneskins and whatnot Okku actually has a hard time scratching the three spellcasters, leaving them free to call down the heavy artillery while Calliope picks off the stragglers.
There's two parts to the spirit army: the chargers, consisting of telthor wolves, leopards, warriors, an earth elemental and Okku himself; and the support, namely archers and a few dryad Druids. The ranged support can be a real pain, disrupting spells like nobody's business, so consider sending something their way to keep them busy (I sent a pissed-off Rogue with six Sneak Attacks a round).

The melee force is easy enough - they all congregate on your position very quickly, making a juicy target for party-friendly area-of-effect spells like Missile Storm, Call Lightning and Storm of Vengeance.
The spirit army is reinforced throughout the battle, but every death weakens Okku slightly. He starts with complete damage immunity to everything, but every time a spirit dies, he is dazed and loses 5% immunity across the board; destroy twenty spirits and he's practically helpless, though you only need eliminate ten to be able to kill him.

Uh oh.

Here comes the big choice, one that defines how you play through the rest of Mask of the Betrayer. Do you resist this power and the strength it offers, or give in and submit to the hunger?

The path of resistance is the Good/Neutral path (more or less) and it's the path I'm taking for the first playthrough.

That's great, Okku, that really is. Really swell.
Go ahead and talk - don't mind me, just wrestling with a curse of inconceivable horror. And you guys back there, please keep watching me writhe in agony. You're all such good friends, you know that?

Not that we have much choice. Would you tell a bear that you didn't want to be friends with him?

Gann suddenly comes over all jealous. Probably because Okku is prettier than he is.

And no sooner does he say that than a bunch of peasants run screaming into Mulsantir to tell everyone about our affliction.
* * *
On the plus side...


Okku is voiced by Darryl Kurylo (Listen here).
Okku is a telthor, a kind of nature spirit native to the land of Rashemen. They're usually animals like wolves, stags and bears (occasionally humanoids too) and Okku's no different: in life he was a powerful paragon bear, an exemplar bear, a bear exceptional in his ursinity. When he died, that strength and intelligence allowed him to become a minor god of Rashemen, revered and worshipped by the Rashemi.
And now that god works for us.
Although his original purpose was the defence of the land, Okku has now given himself over entirely to watching over the spirit-eater threat. This will frame his every interaction with us, the newest spirit-eater.
- likes oaths and vows and stuff like that
- likes bullying those smaller than him (i.e. everyone)
- dislikes eating spirits
- dislikes jokes (unless he's making them)
He's sort of a prick but in a charming way - like a grumpy old grandfather that threatens to beat you with his stick one minute, then buys you a big bag of sweets the next. Like he doesn't really understand how to interact with people without shouting. And he's also a bear, so what do you expect?
Speaking of which, doesn't he look splendid? Gann might be jealous but I can totally dig the Okami look:

And yes, funnily enough Japanese myth was one of the major influences on Mask and its creative lead, George Ziets (learn this name, it is important).

Okku's a Level 20 Fey (fairy) Fighter so he works a little differently to the other companions.
Part of D&D's problem with balance at high levels is the disparity between spellcasters and non-spellcasters, specifically the Fighter class. A Level 20 Wizard can summon pit fiends, drain energy levels, even Wish for all sorts of shit to happen. A Level 20 Fighter can Full Attack every round.
So to make up for this enormous deficiency (I mean the Fighter class is entirely useless once the Wizard gets some basic abjuration spells in his book, it's not even funny) Okku gets a ridiculous number of special bonuses, all for being a bear/a guardian spirit/a non-player character. These are generally in the same vein as Construct from NWN2: amazing stats and natural armour, but no or limited ability to equip stuff. Okku gets two rings and a necklace, no more.
Okku also doesn't gain levels like normal. Instead, every level-up is automatic, as Okku 'remembers' old abilities and powers. This exists to hide the fact that he gets souped-up non-standard feats like adamantine claws.
The end result is that he's an excellent front-line warrior, one sorely needed in a party of three spellcasters and a Rogue.
And he's a goddamn bear jesus christ