Part 11: The Old Man And The Boy
Act Two Chapter Three - The Dead Three (Or The Rise, Fall, And Rise Again of Bane, Myrkul And Bhaal)

We originally got Kaelyn to join us in exchange for our help with getting past the locked gate in the Death God's Vault in Shadow Mulsantir. Now, we're not obligated to repay this debt in the slightest, but it's worth completing the Vault before you leave Mulsantir anyway.
First, though, we're going to do some research. We're going to speak with the priests of Kelemvor.

That is if they don't throw us out for bringing an apostate into the temple.

Typical Obsidian game. You try to get some answers and all you find are more questions.
We'll quiz Kaelyn later. For now:

But we know all this already.

This is the follow-up to the clue we found in Okku's barrow - the book with the scribblings in the margins.

That's what the wall outside symbolises? No wonder the witches want to tear it down.

Ah. Yes, we know where he's talking about.
Before we speed off, though, we pick up a side-quest from Yusev the Acolyte:

Yusev wants to live forever but necromancy is prohibited by Kelemvor. We could convince him to obey the Church, but that's no fun - and we're headed to Myrkul's library anyway, and there's bound to be a tome on immortality somewhere inside.
* * *

Okay, someone owes us an explanation, and for once we're in a position to collect.
So spill it, Kaelyn.

Aha. This is Kaelyn's beef with Kelemvor. This is the reason for her conversion to Ilmater.
Also detecting echoes of the "atheist islander" argument. You know... a civilisation of tropical islanders doomed to suffer eternally in Hell because they had the temerity to live and die before missionaries could discover their homeland (you might also hear of it in the form of miscarried babies). The idea is to prove God is unjust because of his preconditions for salvation, although usually these arguments are handwaved away with suspect theology.

Uh, that's not what I asked, but okay!

Kaelyn's problem is that she's (now) Neutral Good and Kelemvor's Lawful Neutral.
The Wall of the Faithless is cruel - nobody deserves centuries of agony ended only by utter oblivion. To Kaelyn, the Wall is unnecessary because cruel things should not exist, because cruelty is not Good.
To Kelemvor and his Church, the Wall is also unnecessary... because nobody would end up in it if they just believed in the gods. Those unfortunates who do get caught out by the system are to be pitied, but ultimately the preservation of order in the heavens is more important than a few souls here and there. And most of them are there by their own fault anyway, so there.
Tearing down the Wall of the Faithless is Kaelyn's big ambition in life; this is what she was working towards when we found her in the Death God's Vault. It's a sympathetic goal, but there are several reasons it's a bad idea - some good, some not so good (if anyone mentions that the Wall only applies to Faerunians and not to people from other planes I will slap you).

Kaelyn seems like a nice lady so we'll do her a solid by reminding her we're Lawful Evil.

for fuck's sake woman

There's more to come with regards to Kaelyn and her pilgrimage. We'll come back to her when we're more aware of the connections between a game called Mask of the Betrayer and a man called Akachi the Betrayer.
* * *
I'd like to tell you a story now. It's a story I found in the game Baldur's Gate; in exchange for running errands for him in Beregost, the mage Firebead Elvenhair gives the protagonist a book entitled The Dead Three. This is the story I'd like to tell you today.
It's a scary story, mind, so ask your parents' permission before reading!
Are you sitting comfortably?
Then I'll begin.
In ages past there was but one god of strife, death, and the dead, and he was known as Jergal, Lord of the End of Everything. Jergal fomented and fed on the discord among mortals and powers alike. When beings slew each other in their quest for power or in their hatred, he welcomed them into his shadowy kingdom of eternal gloom. As all things died, everything came to him eventually, and over time he built his power into a kingdom unchallenged by any other god. Eventually, however, he grew tired of his duties for he knew them too well.
Without challenge there is nothing, and in nothingness there is only gloom. In such a state, the difference between absolute power and absolute powerlessness is undetectable. During this dark era, there arose three powerful mortals - Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul - who lusted after the power Jergal wielded. The trio forged an unholy pact, agreeing that they would dare to seek such ultimate power or die in the attempt. Over the length and breadth of the Realms they strode, seeking powerful magic and spells and defying death at every turn. No matter what monster they confronted or what spells they braved, the three mortals emerged unscathed at every turn. Eventually the trio destroyed one of the Seven Lost Gods, and they each seized a portion of his divine essence for themselves. The trio then journeyed into the Gray Waste and sought out the Castle of Bone.
Through armies of skeletons, legions of zombies, hordes or noncorporeal undead, and a gauntlet of liches they battled. Eventually they reached the object of their lifelong quest - the Bone Throne. "I claim this throne of evil," shouted Bane the tyrant. ''I'll destroy you before you can raise a finger," threatened Bhaal the assassin. ''And I shall imprison your essence for eternity," promised Myrkul the necromancer. Jergal arose from his throne with a weary expression and said, "The Throne is yours. I have grown weary of this empty power. Take it if you wish - I promise to serve and guide you as your seneschal until you grow comfortable with the position."
Before the stunned trio could react, the Lord of the Dead continued, "who among you shall rule?" The trio immediately fell to fighting amongst themselves while Jergal looked on with indifference. When eventually it appeared that either they would all die of exhaustion or battle on for an eternity, the Lord of the End of Everything intervened. "After all you have sacrificed, would you come away with nothing? Why don't you divide the portfolios of the office and engage in a game of skill for them?" asked Jergal. Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul considered the god's offer and agreed. Jergal took the heads of his three most powerful liches and gave them to the trio that they would compete by bowling the skulls. Each mortal rolled a skull across the Gray Waste, having agreed that the winner would be he who bowled the farthest.
Malar the Beastlord arrived to visit Jergal at this moment. After quickly ascertaining that the winner of the contest would get all of Jergal's power, he chased off after the three skulls to make sure that the contest would be halted until he had a chance to participate for part of the prize. Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul again fell to fighting, as it was obvious their sport was ruined, and again Jergal intervened. "Why don't you allow Lady Luck to decide so you don't have to share with the Beast?"
The trio agreed, and Jergal broke off his skeletal finger bones and gave them to the players. When Malar returned form chasing the skulls, he found that the trio had just finished a game of knucklebones. Bane cried out triumphantly, "As winner, I choose to rule for all eternity as the ultimate tyrant. I can induce hatred and strife at my whim, and all will bow down before me while in my kingdom." Myrkul, who had won second place, declared, "But I choose the dead, and by doing so I truly win, because all you are lord over, Bane, will eventually be mine. All things must die - even gods."
Bhaal, who finished third, demurred, "I choose death, and it is by my hand that all that you rule, Lord Bane, will eventually pass to Lord Myrkul. Both of you must pay honor to me and obey my wishes, since I can destroy your kingdom, Bane, by murdering your subjects, and I can starve your kingdom, Myrkul, by staying my hand." Malar growled in frustration, but could do nothing, and yet again only the beasts were left for him. And Jergal merely smiled, for he had been delivered.
Bane, Myrkul and Bhaal, also known as the Dead Three, were the big assholes of the Forgotten Realms. I say "were" because all three died during the Time of Troubles (some soap opera drama that was caused by Bane and Myrkul being, well, assholes). I say "died," Bane and Myrkul are still alive - Bane possessed his demi-god son, the improbably-named Iyachtu Xvim, and returned to full strength, while according to some shitty Forgotten Realms novel, Myrkul lives on in some magic crown, plotting his revenge.
(It's a dumb idea and you should seriously forget I mentioned it.)
Oh, Bhaal had a contingency plan too, but he messed up or something and is dead forver. It's not important.
What is important is that you're familiar with what passes for theology in the Forgotten Realms. Jergal was a nice-ish god of the dead but got bored. He gave the job to Myrkul, who was a massive dick about it, scaring people and encouraging necromancy. Myrkul died and generic-antagonist-god Cyric briefly took the role before he was replaced by Kelemvor, another former mortal, now last and current god of the dead. Kelemvor's more like Jergal in that they just watch over the dead and keep order in the afterlife; Myrkul, on the other hand, had ambitions.
It's a big bunch of jibber-jabber but Mask manages to do something interesting with it so don't give up on the game just yet!
* * *

Death God's Vault
We return to the Plane of Shadows to complete this little side-quest.
We could have done most of this during Act 1 - it would have been a little more difficult but ultimately still possible. However, the end of the quest requires the use of spirit-eater powers, so I've waited until now to explore Myrkul's complex.

The level is littered with Mummified Priests. Their Cleric spells are potent but they are all incredibly vulnerable to fire damage.
The jars you see scattered around the place are offering urns. They contain several hundred gold pieces but spawn a Dread Wraith when disturbed.
Sorry, that should have read "They spawn a Dread Wraith when disturbed, but only contain several hundred gold pieces," because reliably-spawning Dread Wraiths are an excellent source of Spirit Energy and much better than some measly gold.

Beyond the mummies is a vast library (not the one we're looking for).

Ah, yes, the Book of the Dead. Of course, the actual Egyptian Book of the Dead was called Spells of Going Forth by Day and was simply a text on funerary rites. This particular book reminds me more of The Book of Life and Death from the story of Sun Wukong (AKA the Monkey King, or simply Monkey) in the sixteenth-century Chinese novel Journey to the West. In the story, Monkey tears his name out of The Book of Life and Death so that he cannot be killed, then runs amok upsetting people until the Buddha arrives to put him in his place.
Not that we can futz around with immortality here, but that is the influence behind the Deiomidas character. More generally, it's the inspiration behind the afterlife-as-bureaucracy of Jergal's and Kelemvor's time as god of the dead (I'll stop pretending to be highbrow now and cite Torment's Dhall and the 1988 comedy film Beetlejuice starring Michael Keaton as other examples).
But it's a bit weird to hear that Deiomidas is a Myrkulite. Jergal and Kelemvor have always been presented as 'lord of the underworld' in the manner of Osiris or Hades, but Myrkul always struck me as more like a death-god straight out of Conan or other pulp fantasy.

Deiomidas tells us about the Vault's contents: the tomes held within the secure archives (including several necromantic works and our Lamentations of the Dead scroll), the mummified bodies of old priests, and many prisoners of Myrkul. Lots of enemies of the faith, yes, but also many thieves, murderers and rapists.

North we find a trio of Death Knights praying. They attack us for interrupting their ablutions.

It would have been a difficult fight if we'd come here in Act 1, since the Death Knights' scythes are very nasty weapons. But there's five of us now and we're overleveled, so we don't even break a sweat.
Obsidian were aware of how incredibly easy (if repetitive) NWN2 was, so they made an effort to up the difficulty in Mask. Most of the core path is very easy, but there are a number of optional fights and dungeons that can be a major challenge when you first encounter them.

The key opens a second passage back in the main hall of the Vault. This must be the funerary wing.

At the end of the wing is a large chamber filled with gently-drifting snowflakes. It's very pretty.
Wait, what did you say, Kaelyn?

Oh ick.

Double ick!

Once the undead are gone, we can approach this ghostly figure.

Suddenly another ghost appears. Ooh, spooky!

Um... I suppose this is a side-effect of our spirit-eater status.

Well maybe it doesn't have anything to do with spirit-eating at all.

This is the block for Act 2. The Priest will ignore all attempts to interact with him once this line is given.
But with our new spirit-eater powers...

The Priest also explains the basic concept behind the Furnace.
The Furnace is currently home to the spirits of its countless victims, collectively called the Many. They hide within the Furnace for fear of what lies outside, be it the wrath of the gods or the cold silence of the Plane of Shadows. The three most powerful are the Priest (who is the One, the leader of the group), then the Child (stronger than the Priest, but unwilling to lead directly) and the Brute (a psycho half-orc). The Brute's crime was murdering the Priest's wife and children; meanwhile, the Child attacked and mutilated his parents, then burned down a temple of Myrkul, though the Priest believes the Child innocent for some reason.
The Priest, however, was murdered by followers of Cyric, the god who took over Myrkul's domain when Myrkul died. They tortured him in an attempt to discover the secrets of the Vault... when he remained silent, they threw him into the Furnace.
A tragic story. However, like Cyric's priests, we want in to the Lower Vault, and this Priest is standing in our way.

Okay, this is our first proper new spirit-eating power (Mold Spirit doesn't count because it's boring). It's also my first big cheat.
Evil characters don't get to sympathise with the Priest over his plight - his petulant whining just makes them hungrier. Only Good or Neutral characters can be nice to him.

Eternal Rest is a Good version of Devour Spirit; instead of consuming the spirit, you can release its ties to this world and send it on to the next. Somehow this replenishes your Spirit Energy... less than you'd get from Devouring, but more than you'd receive from Suppression.
It uses the same mechanic as Devour Spirit (one quarter damage, get a Spirit Essence for landing the killing blow) and each use of Eternal Rest counts as a use of Devour Spirit, so you can't use it on the same day as Suppress. Unlike Devour Spirit it doesn't increase Craving (but it doesn't decrease it either) and it can only be used on undead spirits, not elementals or fey.
Eternal Rest is incredibly useful in the Plane of Shadows and the Death God's Vault, but nigh-useless anywhere else. However, careful management of the Vault means that you'll practically never have to Devour another spirit anywhere else ever again.
Unfortunately we have unfinished business with the Furnace. With the passing of the One, the Many are now appearing all around us...

Hmm. Sounds untidy, and untidy = Chaotic.


The Brute and the Child then transform into Shadows of the Void - cold-damage-dealing wraiths that are very strong and very tough. Again, a sudden spike in difficulty to keep us on our toes.

Jesus Christ, not this thing again.
Will no one rid me of this damnable sword?!

The Lower Vault. At last.
And this is where I shall leave you, in part because we've run out of time but also because:

Remember what I said about Mask's intentionally-uneven balance? Party level is about 21; the Lower Vault is designed for characters of Level 27-29.
Which isn't to say we can't explore some of it. Good tactics and enough spells can give the canny player a fighting chance against the undead, and if the worst comes to the worst, Calliope can always sneak her way to the treasure. But in a world of ascended mortals and squabbling godlings, the recommendation of the module-maker is the closest thing we have to Divine Mandate. And Calliope is nothing if not Lawful.
For now.