Part 16: Treebeard's Great-Grandpappy
Act Two Chapter Eight - Call Me Virgil

Burning Grove
The fire Nadaj sent us to put out... it's alive.

Shape of Fire is technically a kind of firey undead monster, but in Mask it's presented as a unique character with a unique curse.

Maybe not that unique.

Yes, the insane being of fire seems amenable to reason.

A plan!
* * *

Immil Vale
East is the Immil Vale. Like the Wood Man's tree, Immil Vale is warm and inviting even in the deepest winter. However, this is because it's based in the foothills of an active volcano.
Still a sacred place, though.

And it's full of wyverns, the poorer, mutant two-legged cousins to dragons.

Companions occasionally bark out one-liners when entering an area. Mostly it's just for flavour (Okku complaining about the dust and noise of Mulsantir, for example) but sometimes there's something interesting to be heard. Or something amusing:
: I like to think that everything looks good in red... and I think that tree is no exception.

Meet Tamlith and Imsha, the telthor witches.

Shape of fire, shape of fire!
There's more that these two can tell us. Ask them about the forest and they drop a few hints as to what's actually going on (in fact, they've given one or two already). They give a little more info on Nadaj and Dalenka - two witches with opposite personality types, sent to learn from one another. They also re-explain the business with the cure for Gnarlthorn's blight, in case you'd forgotten how to use the Journal.
They also provide a side-quest:

Tamlith and Imsha want us to find the bheur and eliminate her - not a problem, we were looking for the hag anyway, since she knows how to defeat Shape of Fire.
* * *

One of my favourite myths is Orpheus & Eurydice. You've probably heard of it, it's a very famous story: Orpheus the poet is married to Eurydice. Eurydice dies in an accident. Stricken with grief, Orpheus enters the Underworld and begs the return of his wife from Hades, god of the dead. Hades says yes but tells him he must first leave the Underworld with the spirit of Eurydice following, and only when both stand under the sun can he look upon his wife - but if he doubts Hades and turns to look back too soon, Eurydice will disappear forever. Orpheus gets all the way to the exit but, anxious, turns around before Eurydice has left the Underworld. She vanishes forever, leaving Orpheus heartbroken. He never takes another (female) lover for the rest of his life.
But what I like most about the story is the description of Tartarus. Tartarus is the deepest, vilest abyss of the Greek Underworld, where enemies of the gods are punished for their crimes. Sisyphus (who betrayed Zeus' confidence) rolls a boulder up a hill, only for it to slip through his hands and roll back down every time he reaches the top. Ixion lusted after Hera, queen of the gods, and was strapped to a burning wheel for his impertinence. Tantalus the cannibal is chained to a rock, starving to death, but unable to grasp the berries and water that lies just out of his reach. I find these monsters and their divine punishments grotesque and chilling, but in a good way - it fulfils a desire that once would have been indulged by stocks, public whipping and capital punishment.
It's probably linked to why I like reading the Ecology sections in my 2nd Edition Monster Manual.
Anyway, it's not something limited to the Greek myths, with their many villains and their gruesome ends. There are so many different mythologies, each with their own versions of Hell, the Abyss, Sheol, Xibalba, Naraka... and these mythmakers take so much pleasure in assigning specific torments to specific crimes. There's a reason Inferno is more recognised than Purgatorio or Paradiso.
I've heard some people say it's a kind of bribe; religions promise rewards for the faithful and punishments for the faithless. People you don't like (e.g. criminals) go to Hell when they die, and suffer accordingly. You, on the other hand, go to Heaven and a blissful eternity.
I've always felt this was too pat an explanation - it doesn't really explain why the specifics of the afterlife evolve over time, why people might like to read a guided tour of the nine circles of Hell. I see it as a more general need on Mankind's part to have a Universe that reflects society, that is reassuringly human. Just as we have a code of laws with punishments for transgressors, so too does God have His code and His punishments for those that transgress against Him.
Forget the comparison to the 2nd Monster Manual: look to horror stories for modern versions of this behaviour.
Uh... so, to bring this back on topic: Shape of Fire is another criminal, suffering under the verdict of the Wood Man. Unfortunately it didn't work out so well, and now the tracker who betrayed the Ashenwood is a flaming Epic-level undead with a pressing need to burn.
I'd've turned him into a tree or something but what do I know?! The Wood Man moves in mysterious ways.
* * *

The bheur is lurking in an old vremyonni mine hidden along the far side of the Immil Vale.

I don't know why the othlor couldn't find it - it's the only other location in the whole area.

Wait for it, wait for it...

Oh snap, son.

The mine is very short - it's just this corridor and the main chamber, plus a few sidechambers with minor treasure inside. The only thing of note are the traps, as this area is one of the few that has any.
Even with eight-hour resting, traps are still no threat to us. But you should still disarm them, as in Mask they're now worth experience.

The hag herself, surrounded by pet orglashes. This is where we'd lose our captured orglash from Okku's barrow.
She's a funny lady with a sharp tongue, but this is the Good/Neutral playthrough so we're killing her for the telthors. This is justice in the wild land of Rashemen.

The jar is what we came for. Orglashes are spirits of ice and snow - just the thing to shake a certain fire spirit out of his stupor...
* * *


Applying the orglash essences to your weapon temporarily turns it into a frost weapon. There's 30 charges to the thing so it's pretty handy.

Shape of Fire is displeased and turns hostile. Finally!

He lasts about five seconds, but we weren't in this for the fight.

Kaelyn's upset by our indulgence but I feel we're entitled. Not only have we ended a threat to the Ashenwood and come one step closer to finding the Wood Man...

...we've also found an ingredient for Gnarlthorn's blight cure...

...and we've got ourselves a unique Spirit Essence.
The red one is Shape of Fire's essence. The blue one is a Shadow of the Void essence, which you can get from devouring the Child and/or the Brute from Myrkul's Furnace. These are our first two unique essences (and the only two we'll be using on this playthrough) - there's only one Shape of Fire in the game, and although Shadows of the Void spawn in the Secure Vault of Myrkul's temple, only the Brute and Child give an essence when devoured.
What's special about these is that they offer 6d6 elemental damage, which is more than you can get with normal essences. Like NWN2, elemental damage is always the best enchantment to give a weapon in Mask because elemental resistance is so rare. The drawback is a 25% elemental vulnerability but that's nothing to be concerned about.

So of course I give an essence to each of our daggers, using the Mold Spirit feat. Shape of Fire's goes onto our dagger "Lightbearer", while the Shadow of the Void essence powers "Thanatos." Thanatos is named for the Greek daimon of Death, the son of Night (Nyx) and Darkness (Erebos) and brother to Sleep (Hypnos).
The provenance of Lightbearer, meanwhile, should be obvious.