Part 17: The Red Woman
Act Two Chapter Nine - Last Man Standing

On our way back into Ashenwood, we come across a berserker and his dead friend confronting a Malarite.
Malarites are generic evil pagan-types so we help the berserker kill her, even though she didn't actually kill his dead friend (who actually did it is a mystery).

Then we mug him for 150 gold pieces.
For the sake of comparison, a few areas ago I found 1800gp by looking under a rock.

There's another sidequest involving a stray hunting dog, moping around Gnarlthorn's grove. Okku, Gann or nature-classed PCs can talk to the dog by getting the scent off its former owners. You don't find out anything interesting, except maybe that the hunters weren't killed by any creature, living or dead...
* * *

The second quest we have to do to bring the Wood Man back to life is kick these frost giants off this island.

Alas, the giants are non-hostile so we can't just up and kill them.

I love some of the dialogue in the Ashenwood module. First the hag, now these giants...
Really makes you think, considering that (like Kaelyn) the Ashenwood very nearly didn't appear at all.

Ooh, harsh. But it gets better:

God bless you little giants.

Doesn't sound too bad, does it? It's King of the Hill, but with knives.


So this here's our crown.

And these are our giants. They spawn in waves of two or three at a time.

They usually make a beeline straight for the crown, to put it on their head. If they can keep it on their head for twenty rounds, the giants win. We have to beat up all the giants, fighting them to Near Death (and making them drop the crown if they're wearing it) before then - and if we do that, we win.

It's not a hard game. The giants are too focused on getting to the crown to do any real damage. I will say this is an area where Fighters come off marginally better than spellcasters, because full-attacking is easier than wasting a Meteor Swarm on these dunderheads.

Eventually the old jarl has a go himself - not that he's much tougher than his subjects.

Well, there was this castle I had once...

This is the Neutral option: a set of gauntlets that grant bonus Druid/Ranger/Shaman spells and +3 Wisdom. Evil characters can send the giants on a destructive rampage in their name. Really Evil characters send the giants back to all the villages they previously destroyed, in order to apologise and make restitution.
Oh wait, sorry, that's the Good option. Which just goes to show that maybe good guys are the true villains or something.

But this is what we wanted to see. Best quest resolution ever.
We even get an epithet feat out of it.

We're not done, though - the sanctuary still needs a guardian spirit. First, we grab this pure water from the pool... we'll need this for Gnarlthorn's cure.

If you helped the berserker kill the Malarite earlier, his dead friend's spirit will appear on the island. You can Devour him for an essence, and he can become the new island guardian. Otherwise you have to pass a Diplomacy/Bluff check with the Telthor Berserker on the other side of the river, or Provoke, fight and Devour a telthor in combat.

In fact it's better to do both. Grigarii gives a Brilliant Spirit Essence, which is good for crafting, while the island will accept any old crappy Volatile from any old crappy telthor.
So we just shove some random essence into the island pool.

There. All fixed!
* * *

We now have all three ingredients for Gnarlthorn's cure. Blighted Leaves, Bark Cinders and Pure Sanctuary Water. We also have the location of a sacred spot - the Red Tree of Immil Vale.
We use all three forest items on each other, then use the anointment solution on ourselves.

Again, there's two different ways to resolve this quest. Praying to Chauntea is the Good option.

* * *

Back to Ashenwood again.

Remember what I said about divine punishment? It doesn't always target monsters and villains, you know.

Gnarlthorn, you were cool. You killed a dude by falling on him.
Good night, sweet prince.

Anyway, we drop the cure in the water to heal the trees.

Then some treants appear because this quest wasn't long enough already. Thanks Obsidian.
* * *

We've pacified the forest - pacified it real good, right into the ground.
Actually, what we've done is consecrated it. All the pagans, heretics and knowlessmen have been thrown out; the pews stood upright, the altar scrubbed and cleaned.
All we need now is a sacrifice.


Ostensibly, Sheva Whitefeather sent us to the Wood Man to find a cure for our condition. Of course, what she didn't tell us was that the Wood Man hates all spirit-eaters for what they've done to him in the past. But hey! what do you expect from someone who wears a mask all day?
Now, Nadaj tells us that Dalenka is a durthan spy. Someone's telling porkies...

We can wrangle about it for as long as we like, but in the end we choose to help Nadaj.
If you want the very best ending for this module, then you should refuse to help her. But that's boring and lame.

There are five berserkers, each with their own perspectives on Dalenka and Nadaj. Kozlov is properly parsimonious and cannot be converted to our rebellion.
The other four...

...are less intellectually rigorous.

You can tell Dalenka about Nadaj's plans, but she's remarkably chill about it.

Something's not right...
* * *

It's Dalenka and Kozlov against you and the berserkers you converted to your cause. Nadaj, however, is nowhere to be seen.

I'm almost positive the Wood Man's absence has nothing to do with us. Almost.
Could do with some support, Nadaj...

Finally. Nadaj shows up - too late to help us with Dalenka the durthan.


Oh fuck.
This was totally obvious in hindsight.