Part 22: Wherein unlikely liberators emerge

: So champ, ready for the big day?

: Uuugh... don't remind me.

: Not exactly "with a rebel yell", but we'll work on it.

: Cold, damp mornings. Bleh. Can we not revolt in the afternoon, perhaps?

: Nuh uh! Took Agda weeks of adventuring to get used to early wake-ups, not gonna lose that and have to start all over!

: Guys! Come quick! You've
got to see this!

: We've explained before, Aka, the sun rises
every day. It's nothing to worry about.

: No! Not that! Something even crazier!

: Gods above!

: It stopped raining!

: …And the dead walk!

: Ehh. Foreign customs always look weird to Agda.

: This isn't custom! This is invasion!

: Looks good ta me! Let's let the dead do our work for us and we can take all the credit.

: I don't know if we
want the credit for unleashing undead on innocent townsfolk.

: The undead are sparing the townsfolk, and us apparently… it couldn't be that simple, could it? Are the undead on
our side?

: Agda don't make a policy of fighting people who don't have a problem with Agda. Unless Agda's got a problem with them. Or might later. Or Agda's drunk. Or bored.

: …Okay, I guess that's a vote for helping the undead. To arms! Let's get the Luskanites!

: Wait up, we're charging
with the undead? That doesn't sound right.

: A bit of role-reversal's healthy now and again. Keeps the job fresh! Try to shuffle along.

: Yeah-heah! The Luskan bastards stand no chance against us now!

: I only hope we'll not end up in their shoes once they're defeated.

: Suit yourself, but some of those boots look my size. Or at least worth a few coppers.

: Hope that guy wasn't planning on using that elbow!

: I admit, it feels good to be back in action again. Still haven't lost the touch.

: Yeah, about that. Pick needs to use a sword or dagger and do more than touch.

: I
thought I wasn't doing as much damage as I remembered…

: Luskan buccaneers! They're being reinforced by the sea!

: Now the sea's
helping them? Which side is it on?

Platinum Pride, prepare to be boarded!

: Hah! Now this is a proper pitched battle, so it is!

: Just watch your back, Dwarf, or you'll end up pitched over the wharf!

: Oh
yes, line totally stolen.

: It's hard to tell who's on who's side! I'm getting dizzy!

: Just remember the only good human's a dead human!

: Yikes.


: You adventure with someone for a while and you think you know them…

: This is the biggest battle we've ever fought! Agda can see dozens more fighting further in the town!

: I know, it's thrilling!

: Maybe because the winds of victory blow our way, I doubt the Luskan sailors are as enthusiastic as we are.

: Mission accomplished! That's the last of the Luskan troops!

: Last of them? What about that garrison, and Shepherde?

: Oh right. Mission mostly accomplished?

: So… what do we do with them?

: Well they're not hostile, so long as we're not Luskanites. The townsfolk are probably safe.

: The job was just to save the town from Luskan, right? Well we did it! Didn't say anywhere we had to get rid of the undead.

: But what will they do with all of these walking corpses?

: Don't worry so much! In Agda's experience, a problem with stiffs takes care of itself.
Editor's Note:
Port Llast's undead problem did indeed 'take care of itself', as Lord Adreum IV's troops gave one last patrol of the town before returning to their graves. A full investigation by the Church of Kelemvor would later confirm that the lord's ghost had vanished, likely now at rest, and no more abnormal undead activity was reported in the Port Llast area.
As for Septimund, despite his warning no report of the battle suggests he took part. By the unprepared state of the Luskan garrison, he may not even have made it back to warn them.

: Look! Leftovers!

: Do you think they will go peacefully?

: People usually go screaming and bleeding, but I suppose first times for everything.

: Hey Pick, too rude for you now?

: No, I think we appropriately signalled our intentions when we seized his ship.

: We can always apologize afterwards if you think there'll be any hard feelings.

: Agda wanted to make a "hard feelings" joke, but already did innuendo for the day with stiffs.

: Aka! Focus! We need to win this battle!

: I
knooooooow, the stupid soldier keeps knocking my flail outta my hands! Tell him to stop!

: Honestly, do I have to pin that thing to your armour? Is this going to be like your mittens again?

: Shepherde's down!

: Broke his crown!

: Hit the ground!

: Took the town!

: You know, you halflings are alright.

: Brave, but foolish.

: Stick that oversized fork in him, Calanire, because he's done for. As for us…

: Mission accomplished! Again!

: Hahaha! I haven't sweat like that since coming to the surface! Fine times, says I.

: That was almost as good as one of your stories, Agda.

Maybe, but if it were one of
Agda's stories the undead would've taken that ship and become pirates and -

: I hate to interrupt, but it sounds like there's someone on the other side of this door clamouring to get out.

: Who's this guy?

: I don't know, but if the Luskans locked him up then I want to hear what he has to say.

: Alright pal, introductions are in order!

: Name and rank! And serial number! Age! Height! Favourite colour!

: So we have liberated a suitable agent to take care of restoring order to the town. Good. I don't envy the job of herding out all those undead and settling the townsfolk's fears.

: I think our job is done here. We should return to the Circle of Friends and Sa'Sani to let them know how we're doing.

: Yeah, good idea. Stay long enough to get the credit for saving the town, but not so long everybody starts to ask where we got the undead army from!
Editor's Note:
Upon the release of Dothwintyl, there was a brief rush of confusion where rumours and word of mouth made officials in Neverwinter believe that the paladin Casavir had been liberated. In reality, the news of Dothwintyl's rescue had simply become muddled up with news - acquired from Shepherde - that a Paladin had been captured by Luskan that apparently matched his description.
Casavir had been one of the companions of the Knight-Captain, and with Neverwinter still so weak it was widely hoped that the return of one of the Knight-Captain's companions might herald that hero's own return, or failing that at least shed some more light on what fate befell their party in the Mere. Khelgar in particularly reacted strongly to the rumour, first with rage upon learning it was false, then with rage again upon learning that Casavir might yet live, imprisoned by Luskan.
Exploring the fate of the companions of the Knight-Captain of Neverwinter is not my purpose, although several other works (including the great text penned by famed retired soldier and authour Lieutenant Danger) do examine them. To my inexpert eye there was no definitive answer as to whether any rescue attempt was launched or succeeded, although some do speculate as to the possibility. Unless a greater, more determined scholar sets forth to discover the truth we may never know the final fate of the might Paladin.