Part 31: Wherein there's some other stuff and PIRATES!

: Arise! Arise! A busy day awaits.

: Ugh, have I mentioned that I hate you recently?

: One would expect to be accustomed to our morning rituals by now.

: A man who tires of sleeping in 'till noon has tired of life - and thanks to that bearded alarm clock, I'm tired all the time now.

: Arise! Ar-

: Oh.

: Uh, hey there.

: …Good morning?

: Yyyyeah, we were just… um, that is, it was very cold last night so-

: We read a book!

: Right! Because we couldn't sleep! Because… it was so cold?

: Upon reconsideration I do not care about this. Come! Arise! We have work to do!

: Hey! What're you talking to our secretary for?

: Variel is our majordomo, not our-

: Does she take notes?

: Well, yes-

: Secretary. Seriously, what is the deal?

: I am making arrangements for our absence. We have many stops to make today, and the company must run smoothly.

: Beef try not be absent, if present whole year get special ribbon!

: So where are we going, exactly? What stops?

: Our company and financial assets are all quite secure, and we have also secured a great deal of magical assets and crafting resources.

: Indeed. We are almost finished here on the Sword Coast. Before we can follow Sa'Sani back to Samarach, however, there are a few more leads and loose ends.

: We need all the help we can get, I guess, if this Zehir's really a god - or, uh, 'sufficiently powerful to be reasonably likened to a hypothetical deity'.

Thank you for being understanding.

: So I can't help but notice that all our 'preparations' so far have been somewhat vague. We could be gearing up to take on a god or preparing for a rich retirement.

: It may prove difficult to ensure the latter without securing the former.

: Bwuh?

: We gotta make the bad god go bye-bye before Cornelius can go fishing.

: Why not fish
with bad guys?

: As a reconciliation tactic?

: As bait.

: 'Nother cottage in woods! Woods popular place, full of parties too.

: I wouldn't expect much of a party at this particular cottage, Beef. There is but one resident so far as my research indicates.

: Hopefully he wasn't a regular at that bard get-together we trashed, then.

: Awww, old man look lonely.

: If he is, I sense it is not by choice.

: He goes by the moniker "Skull crusher", and was once allegedly a powerful adventurer. He may be of some use to us, or possibly a hazard if not delicately handled.

: In that case we had best handle ourselves with extreme care.

: Oh
no! I tried to warn you!

: What? Agda just wanted to hear some stories!

: What did you do this time, you brat?! We're doomed!

: Losing… feeling in my… legs…

: So… bored…

: Beef saw whole life flash before eyes - and life not even Beef's!

: Right! He's out of stories! Quick, grab his gift, smile and nod, and let's get the hell out of here!

: Cornelius, you endured that monologue much better than I expected.

: I cast Hold Person on myself repeatedly just to stay on my feet.

: I had hoped Skull crusher might have known something useful to our predicament, or be able to offer his assistance in a physical capacity. Or at least not so much in a verbal one.

: Ye gods it's
night time. He
talked the day away.

: Please tell us our next lead is somewhat more invigorating?

: Behold; a burial mound, forgotten in the depths of Neverwinter Wood. My research suggests-

: Who wants to be what we find living in there? Or, rather, unliving?

: Ooooh! Ooooh! Gnomes! It Gnomes?

: Oh, sorry Beef, it's the undead. Just like it
always is in every grave-related location in the world.

: Undead are thematic! Can't have a cemetery or tomb without some undead shuffling around.

: While I agree with your general views on graveyards, let us leave this argument and concentrate on the task at hand. I must repay a debt in cold, decaying blood.

: Oh, don't be such a worry-wart. These minor undead are still flammable. More like nuisances than enemies.

: Okay, so where's that barrow you mentioned then? At the back of the cave?

: Hehehe! Barrow is funny word! Barrow
barrow barrow…

: The, ugh,
crypt is in the back, yes. My sources suggest it is quite old, hence why our surroundings look like a common cave.

: These tombs… they are a mix of old and new. The stone sarcophagi show the weight of ages, but those wooden coffins look to be recent additions.

: There may be a reason this barrow-

: Hehehe!

: -was left undisturbed. Use caution.

: Oh dear. A vampire. I suppose that's why.

: Get back! I shall slay the fiend!

: Pffft, it's just a vampire. No need to get all dramatic on us.

: Vengeance has come!

: Vengeance? Really? Do you actually know if this vampire's done anything?

: It is a vampire. The need for vengeance is a fairly safe bet.

: Uh oh, vamp-lady's boyfriend's pissed.

: Oh like it would be so hard for him to find another girl. Goddamn co-dependent bloodsuckers!

: For my own part I have never understood this modern obsession with vampires.

: They do, however, sparkle quite wondrously when exposed to scorching rays and searing flame.

: It is done. A wrong has been righted, I assume.

: Yeah, handy side-benefit that I guess. So do we root through their pockets, or something?

: Ugh, do not be so
vulgar, Pick. We are here to loot their

: I am once again forced to move another action from my "requires avenging" column to my "sort of a grey area" column.

: Beef bored with dead people and old people, next stop we do something fun maybe?
Or maybe take bathroom break?

: I told you to go before we left the barrow.

: *sigh*

: Anyway, our last stop this evening is to deal with a powerful party like our own. They would make unlikely allies, but leaving a dangerous group of pirates alive in our wake would-

: Wait wait wait, back up for a second. Pirates? We're going after


: Pick? Do you have any insight here?

: She…
really likes pirates.

: Oh bother. Come on, we best catch up before she signs on to their crew.

: I fail to see how these men differ from common, muck-squatting bandits beyond that they ply their trade at sea.

: I suppose they are also somewhat easier to kill than we are used to.

: Were we supposed to… I don't know,
do anything there?

: I believe in a policy of proportionate response, where exerting my own effort is a sort of option of last resort.

: Anything but work, huh? I can see your point.

: Look, Agda!
Girl pirate! Agda ask how can join too?

: Agda knows how to become a pirate! Don't need no stinking competish stealing Agda's shtick though…

: As fun as this all is, apparently, let's try to hurry along a bit.

: I couldn't agree more. These scurvy-ravaged wastrels are a waste of my talents.

: Taste the vengeance of Hoar!

: Again with the vengeance? So pirates are like vampires now?

: Look, there are certain professions that carry an implicit need for retribution. It is all plainly laid out in Hoarish doctrine-

: Pfffffft
whorish doctrine!

: I am not having this discussion.

: Sooo, how are you these days?

: Oh fine, fine. A lot better, actually. Ever since we moved into the merchant headquarters I've been getting a lot more bedrest.

: I can relate. Those cold nights, sleeping under the stars, kind of makes you regret storming out of a steady job just so you can freelance.

: I tried the freelancing thing in my younger days, you know. Before I got tenure. It really does build character but you grow out of it. You can't eat pride forever.

Waaaagh! Heronyus! Corneeylus! Look at Beef! Loooook! Beef got 'nother pirate!

: That's great, Beef! Keep it up.

Awww, Heronyus not lookiiiiiiing!

: Do you think that party of importance you mentioned is in here?

: Somebody important must be, look at all them bottles.

: I
had been told a party of pirate adventurers on our level of power were hiding here, but would they really designate rank with rum?

Clearly Cornelius hasn't read as many pirate novels as Agda.

: Hells yes, awesome pirate krew!

: They don't look very happy to see us…

: Whoever is?

: That was a tactically sound falsehood, Heronius.

: You should know me by now. My lying is a matter of principle.

Ohmigods we're being attacked by
real dashing swashbuckling pirates! This is the best night ever!

: I wish I could be so happy about impending violence.

: You mean you're not?

: *gasp* Orc is bigger than Beef! Taller!

: Say it ain't so, Beef! Are you going to be okay?

: Of course! It honour to beat up bigger Orc! Beef treasure memory always. Memory and maybe teeth.

: Speaking of treasure, calling dibs-no-challenge on the captain's hat!

: Now is the time to unleash our magical support!

: If you want to end this fight quickly, I suppose. Let me just disintegrate their archer, there.

: Wow, Heronius's becoming a real

: Sounds better than "manslaughterer", I suppose.

: Speaking of murder, I am not entirely comfortable killing this priestess of Talos. She stands alone.

: I have a scroll of flesh to stone, if you prefer. We could leave her as a monument to our passing.

: I've actually been branching into Necromancy on the side a bit, if you're interested.

: Never mind, now that I think about it what is one more dead clergyman on my bloodied hands?

: Ugh, quit harshing Agda's pirate-fight buzz.

: This's more like it! Time to get knee-deep in booty!

: I see a number of potential assets in our fight against Zehir, it is only a pity we had to kill our way to them.

: A violent outcome was likely inevitable. At least now we are assured we leave no dangerous wild cards behind us on the Sword Coast.

: Hey, Heronius! Where are you going?

Getting knee-deep in booty!

: So, my fine pirate wenches. Have no fear, the dashing captain Napalm IX is here to whisk you away to safety.

Heronyus! Stay away from pretty girls! Corneylus not cast Protection From Cooties!

: …Any chance any of you find looking after adorable, dependant man-children to be cute and attractive? No? Never mind then.
{Some strange cuts occured at the end here, re-added those bits just now}