Part 11: Act One Chapter Eight - It's Never Simple And It's Never Easy

Don't bother, I think I've got a handle on what's going on here.

So we've finally reached Highcliff. We're supposed to catch a ship to Neverwinter from here, but the harbour's closed because of lizardling attacks. We can't go by land either, since the High Road is closed.
So it's up to us to resolve this bullshit situation so we can progress the plot. Unlike the quests at Fort Locke, this one is compulsory.

NWN1 used a modular tile-based map for all areas, even outdoors areas. All the hills were square and tiered like wedding cakes; rivers and lakes looked like giant jigsaw pieces dropped from heaven.
So when you load up NWN2 and suddenly there's height and gradient and the difference is amazing. Something as simple as these stairs wouldn't have been possible in NWN1 - not without a hakpak and some heavy-duty editing.

I mean, this concept art is actually quite accurate:

Pretty sweet, am I right?

We bump into some drunken sailors loitering outside the local tavern.

Some of Khelgar's dialogue here doesn't make sense. We're still outside, silly dwarf!

For wilfully starting a fight, we gain 2xinfluence with Khelgar and lose one with Elanee. Elanee's not a popular character, it seems - most of you voted to dislike her. Fine by me.

The thing is, it's not as if we can avoid a fight anyway; if you try to calm things down by appealing to common demi-humanity, Khelgar and the sailors both start arguing with you.
Then Khelgar tells the sailor to stop agreeing with him and, well...

Elanee electrocutes the sailors with a lightning storm. Spells are fiddly and awkward, but immensely powerful - and we're only at Level 6.

Another non-sequitur from Khelgar. There's a reason I transcribed this encounter out in full.
Firstly, we're missing an area. We're supposed to be able to go inside the tavern. That's where we'd find Captain Flinn, skipper of the Double Eagle, and the band of sailors that we just murdered. Flinn's and Khelgar's dialogue makes a bit more sense in that context.
Secondly, we just murdered four people in the middle of the street and no one batted an eyelid. In D&D proper there are rules for 'subdual damage': hitting people with the flat of your sword so they don't die. Also, you've got an intelligent DM who can always rule "Well, this was a tavern brawl, so no one actually dies, they just get KO'ed."
There's no such option in NWN2, which means we're forced to leave a trail of nonplussed corpses behind us, all the way down the Sword Coast.
Thirdly, we need to talk.

To Neeshka.

We know who Khelgar is, we know who Elanee is, but Neeshka hasn't really introduced herself properly. Khelgar and Elanee have long-term goals, but Neeshka?

Neeshka's just trying to survive.

A lot of people find it hard to like Neeshka (I certainly did on my first playthrough). Most of the time, if she's talking, it's to berate you for not stealing enough, even if you're a goody-two-shoes Paladin. And because each instance is separate and unique, she never learns to shut up. It's like being nagged by a persistent and unexpectedly single-minded toddler.
But there's a dark humour there, and it comes out when Neeshka comments on the rest of the party - or herself.

Neeshka's had a bit of a rubbish life - orphaned, fostered by priests, child of demons, outcast, no friends - but she somehow manages to be incredibly cheerful and upbeat, despite all that. Here she rattles off her life to date, really pleased that someone's taking an interest... not realising it's one of the worst fucking lives you could possibly imagine.

There's been some comment on the voiceacting in NWN2. Personally, I felt it saved the game at times. Robyn Kramer is really good here, investing Neeshka's voice with a lot of emotion and weight. She goes into this pseudo-deep, sonorous voice when listing off Helm's titles, as though she's this slightly dippy young woman doing silly impressions to make the first real friend she's ever had laugh.
Like Neeshka!

There's a little more context to this that we're missing. I'm not certain about this, but originally we may not have started Highcliff down by the docks, watching the lizardlings sinking that ship. There's a conversation that Khelgar starts in Highcliff that goes a little like this:
: {Dismissive, about to give Neeshka the brush-off} Well, I guess this is where we part ways, tiefling. Good luck to you.
: {Someone just told her to leave the party, a little defensive} What are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere.
: {Getting stern} Look, we helped you out at Fort Locke. Even let you share in some of the loot.
: But we're not your sitters - you can go about your business here in Highcliff without us, doing whatever it is your kind does.
: My kind? {Beat, angry} And last I heard, you weren't in charge, Khelgar, so don't start giving me orders.
: What do you mean "her kind?"
: Bah. She's a thief, and we don't need that kind of trouble around us, especially not in any village or town we come to.
: Trouble? I attract trouble? At least I know how to avoid a brawl instead of picking a fight with everyone who crosses my path!
: {Aside to the player, a little exhausted by Neeshka and Khelgar arguing} Are they always like this? It's tiresome just to watch.
: Unfortunately, yes. They've been this way since they first met.
: {Defensive} It's not my fault. Khelgar started it, as usual... which seems to happen whenever he opens his mouth.
: {A little fawning to the player, eager to please} I mean, I've been helpful, haven't I? I know you don't know me very well, but I've had your back in fights.
: [Diplomacy] Khelgar, Neeshka's been loyal and so have you. I say we travel together, and maybe you can teach her a few things about fighting. What do you say?
: [Success] Well... you're right about loyalty. It's a rare quality, and one of my strengths.
: {Reluctant} I suppose I could put up with her for a while longer... {grunts, quieter} but no amount of polishing is going to make a rotten apple taste better, in my opinion.
: {Slight sarcasm} Khelgar, I'm touched. No one's ever called me a rotten apple before... and if you can "put up" with me, maybe I can put up with your smell, too.
: {Impressed, a little quiet, to player} That was impressive - making peace with words is not an easy thing to do.
: Impressing you is the least of my concerns.
: {Irritated} Now that I did not fail to notice.
: Shall we see about getting a ship for Neverwinter? {Curious} The tavern seems the best place to look.
We could also have just sided with either Neeshka or Khelgar... in which case Elanee would barge in and use her Diplomacy to resolve the situation. I'm almost certain this isn't in the game itself, although the conversation file and even the voiceacting lines are. As I said, it was probably replaced by the ship-sinking sequence.
It's also a bit heavy on the party dissension. Sure, a party of companions who all magically like each other as soon as they meet is both irritating and boring, but this sequence threatens to tear the party apart before it's barely begun. It's enough having them bicker over every dialogue choice I make.

There's a few sidequests in Highcliff that we can do. Par here is undergoing a home invasion.

We butcher the rogue sailors and loot Par's house clean for good measure.

The other three we'll do as part of the main quest. First we'll see the village elder about these lizardling attacks.

It looks like the elder is in the middle of an appointment. Juni's husband, William, has gone missing, and the village elder won't send anyone to look for him.

All right, we have a goal. We'll go see this farmer, find out more about the lizardlings, then do some smiting. We'll also try to find William along the way.

Oh, and Gera and Zachan (who you may remember we saved from duergar back at the Weeping Willow Inn) have lost their children as well. William, children, lizardlings. Right.

On our way out of Highcliff, we bump into Mozah, who also demands our help. He was hired as a guide by adventurers who have all now disappeared without paying him. He wants us to find his employers and get him his money. So, it's William, children, adventurers, lizardlings. Got it.

Where are we going again?
* * *

Shandra's farm. This shouldn't take too long.

This must be Shandra, our quest-facilitator.

So these lizardfolk are basically pissing on our front doorstep? Nice.
Still, it's good that Elanee is making a positive contribution for once, instead of yelling about helping animals or some such.

Neeshka's a tiefling, which means she has a sort-of 'demon-sense' that kicks in around stuff to do with fiends. It's going to come up later in the game... like practically everything we've covered so far.

I can never turn down the opportunity to be snarky.

Okay, so I suppose we owe her. One lizardling-free Highcliff coming up!