Part 33: Act One Chapter Thirty - The Silver Sword

This is it. We're about to meet Zeeaire - the chief githyanki Sword Stalker, the person who ordered the attack on West Harbor.
It's also the end of Act 1. Hard to believe we could spend thirty updates chasing orcs and Watchmen just for... this.
Youtube Viddler

Yow. Check out that portal.
As Mephasm tediously explained last update, time on different planes passes at different rates. Zeeaire is old - and this makes her powerful, and knowledgeable - but if we can bring down the portal, she'll be forced into our world, where she's nothing but an old woman.
You don't have any qualms about beating up an old lady, do you?

I don't recall ever actually being formally charged with any crimes at any point previous. Perhaps I mislaid the paperwork - after all, not so long ago some raiders burnt down my village...

Hmm. Anyone else notice a slight hesitation on her part?

It's true - the more you deny, the worse you look. Zeeaire's hiding something.

We'll trick an admission out of her.

Crap. Well, it was worth a shot.

Neeshka steps in with a Bluff check of her own, and...

All right! Neeshka is good for something after all!
It's not often that the companions get to help you out with a skill check like this, and it's all the more welcome for it.

Suddenly all the githyanki exchange worried looks.

Interesting... Zeeaire is supposed to be the very best of the Sword Stalkers, the careful hand of the Lich Queen - but she's obviously acting on her own here.
Why? Why hide from the Lich Queen? I know it's an odd situation, with the shattered blade and all, but even so...

Just as Bishop says that, a handful of githyanki walk out of the room. She's not entirely on her own, but there's fewer guards than before.

Be fair, githyanki don't live that much longer than humans if they aren't hiding out on the Astral Plane.

Just so we're clear on what exactly we're saving Shandra from.
Githyanki are supposed to be Psionic, which is a fancy D&D word for "psychic", which is a fancy real-world term for "brain magic". Psionics aren't part of the core rules, so Obsidian (like most developers) subbed in appropriate low-level Wizard spells as replacements for actual Psionic powers.
Anyway, that's what Zeeaire is referring to when she talks about gutting Shandra's memories.

Or maybe Zeeaire doesn't want to share what she's found. Are we the centre of some kind of extraplanar coup?
Remember: Zeeaire's Level 10, and the expiry-date for all githyanki is Level 11. If Zeeaire gets any better at her job, her boss is going to suck her dry.

Why do villains always do this? Like any hero's going to say "Sure, why not?"

Atta girl, Calliope!

Oh dear.
She stole our shards. That sucks.


No, wait, what was that about "a piece of the Sword" inside me?

Oh, crumbs.
The Zeeaire fight is not difficult. Oh, she's a level 10 Fighter with a nasty Greatsword, capable of hitting for lots of damage... but she's trapped in the portal. The most she can do is fling arrows at you - not dangerous.

So take your time and eliminate the guards first. We've taken half of them out already with the successful Bluff check (including a Sorcerer guard); the other half are nothing special. One's a Cleric (and female!) but she won't last long enough to cause any serious trouble.

When you're ready to go after Zeeaire, then you can use the Interdimensional Sphere we got from Mephasm to destroy the portal. This is the only place you can use it - there's no point keeping it for later (say, to destroy a more worrisome portal at the end of the game).
If you don't use the Sphere, you have to bash the portal down manually while taking damage from Zeeaire's projectile attacks - definitely not worth it.

The portal explodes in a satisfying manner, and Zeeaire is unleashed. Now we shall taste her true power!

She's stronger and tougher than she looks, but she's all alone with no support, which makes her easy pickings. On the other hand, if you're silly and blast the portal right away, she can carve a hole straight in the middle of your party.

I think so indeed.

Nice close-up for you there.

Are you kidding me? All this time, all this effort... and it turns out Zeeaire was just the fucking warm-up act. Our villain, our 'King of Shadows' is in another castle.
This blows.

Well, all right, that was fun.

The death of Zeeaire is the end of the githyanki threat. There's no one left to lead them, and even if there was their precious portal has been destroyed. We won't be seeing them again.
A player has been swept from the board.

And at least she had some nice loot on her. A nice sword, some nice armour...

...and five silver shards - the three we had, plus two new ones. Not including the one in our chest, of course.

Urgh. I don't mind Bishop when he's just being a prick, but this is too creepy.

For once we're glad to hear Casavir's voice.

(Casavir and Bishop then decide to repeat their previous exchange word-for-word. Excellent proof-reading, Obsidian!)

Haha, yeah, like we're here for the damn frescoes.
* * *

I see Duncan still hasn't cleaned up yet.

We know this story. This is what the Harvest Brawl was all about : celebrating surviving the battle.

Daeghun will be furious? How about me being furious?
I had a piece of a sword inside me the whole time and that cold-blooded bastard didn't say a damn word!

Yeah, I'm not actually furious. Again, Obsidian was pretty loose with the Act 1 spoilers - the previews were pretty clear that your motive for adventuring was that you had a piece of a magical sword embedded in you.

Still, it's good to know 'properly'.

Oh great, now this.

Bishop's not going to be dissuaded. He may have been reluctant to join the party before, but now the man just won't leave.

Admittedly, on this playthrough Bishop's actions make sense. Calliope evidently intrigues him and they're not totally incompatible... following a bossy chick around beats sitting in Duncan's smelly old tavern any day.
It's when Bishop demands to be let into the party of a Lawful Good male Paladin who's done nothing but yell at Bishop for being selfish and mean all the time that it becomes confusing. I don't know... simple perversity?
Who knows how 'the Bish' thinks?

Bishop's not the only one joining the party, either.

I'll drink to that.