Part 7: In which The Cutest Idol in the Universe checks in on her entourage one last time
In which The Cutest Idol in the Universe checks in with her entourage one last timeHey everyone. How about we do one last check-in, for old times sake?

Wrapping up loose ends.

Anything before we close this out?
Kotori, holding Chun tightly posted:
Itll be over soon, were waiting for you, Nico-chan.
Chun chun.
Oh yeah, about my signature you bought Ah, no, I-,
I do want to go study abroad one day, when I can stand on my own two feet.
Im sure we could make an awesome outfit with everyones ideas.
Therell be a super cute outfit waiting for you when you get back.
Maki, secure in herself posted:
...What? Dont look at me too much.
I know how hard you work.
Nico-chan, were you keeping up with practice and stuff even before we joined?
Your way of life isnt something I can really understand, but
Nico-chan, why did no, its nothing.
Dont get me wrong, its not like I dont want to be a doctor either.
Eli, really intent on that drawing posted:
Im up next, huh? I got a lot of things I want to talk to you about, so this is a good opportunity.
Everything will be fine, Im sure. This is you were talking about.
...You know, Ive always thought youre really amazing. Im serious.
Lets go, Nico.
Theres a lot of things one cant understand without talking them through.
Nozomis always really happy when you and I talk, ever noticed it? Dont you think so?

Lets pop in for a quick few chats.

Everything will be just fine in the end.

Knowing that, we still linger regardless posted:
Nico, are you focusing your mind?
But staying here any longer would just be another name for escapism.
You have something that you must do, dont you?
Now then, please do come again.
MUSIC:Kaguya no Shiro de Odoritai REMIX

How about one last reading?

Overly sentimental? posted:
...Nicocchi, Im sure youll be fine even without my fortune-telling.
Go with Elicchi.
Good luck out there.


Thank you for cancelling from Cat Facts. posted:
Oh, you came back even after I told you it was the last one?
So you really WERE sad about it! Hehehe
But you cant stay here Nico-chan, youve got somewhere you need to be.
Dont worry, well meet again soon.
Well, see you later, Nico-chan!
MUSIC: Strategy Meeting

You know, Hanayo could actually give Nico a run for her money in terms of Idol geekdom.

A brief moment of reflection posted:
Ah, Nico-chan.
Ehehe, lets talk a lot about idols again when you get back.
Its a promise!
And last but not least, Eli Ayase, (former) Student Council President and choreographer of μ's. Ill get into her next update, ideally not in November 2023. No promises, though.
I would put in a pithy oh golly gee willickers i sure hope I get these next dungeons down without any WACKY DEATHS but like Ive already finished recording and theres no more deaths so like I cant be assed
Man, I should have finished this LP back when I was full of piss and vinegar and not so jaded.