Part 8: In which The Cutest Idol in the Universe brings a smile to her choreographer
In which The Cutest Idol in the Universe brings a smile to her choreographerACTUALLY THIS IS CALLED: SHALL WE TAKE A DETOUR?
Greetings and salutations, everyone. Lets wrap up our bandmates dreams, shall we?
More floors, more dangerous enemies(?), and a (former) student council president thats more permissive!

A fresh new level, and a fresh new start as Japans finest IDOL!
Our final partner of μ's is Eli Ayase, fellow third year and formerly the strait-laced Student Council President.
Oh, and shes quarter Russian (on her grandmothers side), former ballerina and the choreographer of μ's. She and Maki make up the rest of BiBi, Nicos subgroup in μ's.
Facts copied from the wiki aside, she and Nico have been friend-of-a-friends (friends-in-law?) since their first year of high school through Non-non-Nozomi, even though they butted heads often.
Nico butts heads with others a lot, actually. Could it be the super-special bestest finest in Japan IDOLs fault?
Same old chirpies, day in and day out.
Oh, by the way, you can tell which year said student is in by their ribbons:
First-years like Maki had blue,
Second-years like Kotori had red,
And third-years like Nico and Eli have green.
Nico interacts with Eli a lot more genuinely and less guarded than either Kotori or Maki. Know someone for three years and you start keeping it real, huh?
Anyway, our first new enemy is I wont Slime it, riffing on Elis response to the second-years at the start of Love Live petitioning for an Idol Research Club.
Its also what the tagline of the dungeon is referencing, in case you were curious.
This line is referencing this panel of the manga. Even by female idol standards, Elis been a part of a lot of gaybaiting,
like that one song where she sings about falling in forbidden love in a garden of lilies with her vice-president whose likes are looking at cute girls.
Im sure theyre just really good friends.
Anyway, Elis stat spreads as a partner are 3/2/3, which initially sounds worse than any of the others. And it is.
However, the main thing is that you can buy mirrors for only 1 Nico point, and unlike the other partners that cost never goes up.
This means youre allowed to play a lot more fast and loose with health and leveling.
The ending quote is it finally allowing it. What is it?
In the source material, the idol group. In this case, Japans finest IDOLs activities.
Later? Who knows ?
Lets just go on to the next- Hey, WAIT! Weve already done this joke before!


The Chika fish is here because Elis nickname is Elichika. Its appearance is based off of a japanese meme of a fish about to be cut.
If for whatever reason youre playing along, make sure to be around level 3~4 before heading down to floor 2 or youll get clobbered.

A fungus!
A garbage hit rate!
A level up! Man, I could really go for hot pot right now.
This is a deer. Its name kinda sounds like Chika if you squint your ears, so its here. Our hit rate on this thing is 34%, sooo
We make a classy retreat.
I just love Elis reaction here.
And the last new enemy is an Amazon(wait, are we allowed to say brand names out loud?) Chunslime!
400 yen is around $2.8 USD, and is a whole 100 more yen than the soundtrack for this game that theyre selling for an equivalent of $2 USD, an absolute steal!
In this dystopic hellscape, merely smiling at an ad signs you up for their associate program.
Truly, we live in Jorjor Wells 1969.


This is the Matrichunka, a matryoshka doll and also part of the reason Im not the biggest fan of this dungeon.
You see, both when I was first playing this and when I was recording for the LP I was nursing a wrist injury.
Its emblematic of the issues I had because it has 15(!!) dancing squares and is the primary source of EXP youll be grinding. Its Not Great, tbh
Its also a doll of russian make unsure of itself. I wonder what that could mean ?



By, the by, this is the statline you need if you want to reliably one-turn these.
Theres also a new enemy, but if you can handle Matrichunkas you can sweep them pretty reliably.
You can actually beat the dungeon with these stats if you just stock up on like 15 mirrors, but I didnt do that because I value my wrist. Ish.




This is the Bluebird of Happiness, a common symbol of how actively searching for happiness causes it to slip from our fingers.
A trick in this game is to give a new enemy one Nico Nico Nii to see whether you should fight it or not.
To validate the story of the bird landing on your shoulder when you stop chasing it, we immediately choose to then run away. We do this for the entire floor.



Theres nothing but bluebirds in this floor too moving on



This floor also has more deer and
A new enemy! Katchunsha is referencing the Russian folk song Katyusha, and it also speaks lyrics from said song.
We are no match for the immortal science and we continue to move swiftly to the next floor.

But thrice is a pattern.
A Russian doll, unable to think for herself.
Its a shame that even the most skilled puppeteers cant quite replicate the elegance and grace of a ballerina, no?
Regardless, this is our final encounter for this dream.
If youll take a look at the left there, thats 40(!!) squares.
While I just rawdogged it with these stats, youre better off with a little bit higher stat curve as being able to reliably 2 cycle a Nico Nico Nii saves you a ton of wrist pain.
Its a rather large amount of mashing.
Since that was 1/7th of the bar, please imagine me doing that 7 more times while healing in between for the full experience.
While we merely dance for the random encounters, Nico always sings to her bandmates hearts.
Accepted them a long time ago, huh?
But its not our hand that she takes, is it?
Our last exit to stage right, taking her outstretched hand.

She sighs.










But were still here, and were still stuck.




The music cuts.




