Part 9: Ordinary Outpost
Half way through the game now, believe it or not.Longer one today. At the end of the last update, Kent was dressed up in a Norm outfit and had entered their primary stronghold, the Ordinary Outpost. If you are thinking that this is an awful plan, then you are 100% correct.

Hahaha, check out those wanted posters. I'll bet Kent didn't even bother to take off his signature shades or disguise his hair or anything either.

Flight wins out over fight pretty damn quickly and Kent kicks up his heels, but the door has sealed in behind him.

We are fucked.

PA System: Norm 2782, you have been placed under House Arrest pending Paul's judgement. Make yourself useful and get away from the doors. You are making the place look a little untidy. If you haven't already done so, report to the main desk.
We are sooo fucked.

They got a pretty decent likeness, all told. Of course Kent doesn't own a mirror and has never realised what a disgusting freak of nature he actually is.

PA System: Wanted: Kent Knutson. For crimes against all citizens of Neutropolis, including annoying singing in a public place. He is also suspected of harassing a Norm Trooper in the pursuit of his work, and the wanton use of colour paints and explosives. DO NOT approach this man. He is considered HIGHLY DIFFERENT!

Now you know how horrible looking at you is for the rest of us, Kent.

Man, they made Brian look like way less of a dweeb than he actually is. I'm not sure what's going on with the top of his head there, though.

PA System: Known only as Brian Downpour, this man subverts the innocent children of our community with music composed by the devil. His band is known as CRACKERS AND ASTHMA, an anagram of "Kids, kick back and drink", probably. If seen, call 000. Do not approach this man, he is a dangerous lunatic and a drummer.
Hahaha, I love this. Brian Downpour, that's excellent

Oh that's right, I'd forgotten that we were completely fucked. Now Paul is on his way, fantastic.

Kent makes his way over to the front desk, like he was instructed to do so. Yet another Norm is standing around here. Kent strikes up a conversation.

"Also, you're not rasping your words out like a chain smoker anymore!"

Really, Kent? "Boo boos"? At least try to fit in.

I wouldn't like to be in Kent's shoes period. This is looking worse by the minute.

Of course, we don't know where that is either. Kent decides to go back to his usual question and ask about the whirring gizmos. Perhaps that will give him a lead to the research area.

Yes, we get it. Remember this conversation, since you can't repeat it later when it's actually relevant. Kent decides to just cut to the chase.

Sure enough, the fountain is broken. This will form the basis of yet another retarded puzzle soon, though at least it's one that can be solved quickly when you know how.

Kent heads over to the keypad...

...and enters the number...

...only to have it rejected. What gives?

Oh, you've got to use the left elevator. Thanks for mentioning that, asshole.

Apparently Norm elevators are the shape of Octagons split in half. Presumably designed for maximum levels of inefficiency.

Kent emerges upstairs in the pristine, white research area.

Most rooms are locked, but Kent can see through the window to Forensics. I spot that fire extinguisher, some paint in a bag, a yappy puppy, a glider off to the right there. Looks like these guys have got the dirt on Kent.

This complete freak is the only actual researcher here.

Let's get to chatting!

No, Kent, you were only using the gizmos as an excuse to ask for the elevator code. You're not meant to actually hand it over to the researchers

I wonder how many more brownie points we could earn by reporting the unlocked door at Plush-Rest with the complete design specifications just lying out in the open?

Conrad is studying Brian Deluge's music. Kent decides to swipe a bunch of Deluge's "Zen Throbb" CDs. Conrad is facing straight towards Kent but doesn't even notice. I assume he's just unable to focus on anything with those two lazy eyes of his.

Oh, and since I'm sure you were wondering, no, the CDs have no purpose whatsoever. Unless you can use them to smash the washing machine open or something. You certainly can't get them signed.

What the hell is going on in there?

They're pumping Deluge's music into this dude's ears at a huge volume, apparently.

This monitor shows this guy's brain throbbing back and forth.

To be honest his brain is probably just trying to make sense of the fucking lyrics. LIGHTNING ROD!!!

Kent decides to set the poor guy free.
Prisoner (0:24) - Kent lets the poor slavering dude go free, and he runs off in a blind gallop, smashing a couple of windows before knocking himself out cold.

Kent decides to go ask what the fuck.

I give up. Go and blow your cover for all I fucking care Kent. You're screwed either way.

Conrad doesn't even seem to be aware that the prisoner just smashed shit up all around him. Kent decides to fill him in.

Of course, by this point Kent has forgotten that he's supposed to be liberating Saul rather than playing errand-boy to creepy Norm researchers, and he actually waddles over to do Conrad's bidding.

Jagged pieces of glass covered in snot? That has Kent's inventory written all over it! Kent pockets a piece.

Oh, God forbid, Kent.

"Nasal debris". Kent picks the guy up, but not without his requisite whinge.

This little scene is a bit annoying. You have to first call the lift down, then push the button to open the door.

Then you stick the guy in the capsule, close the door again, and push the button to send it back up. Problem is each time you access the panel the screen changes resolutions and takes a couple of seconds to load. It also completely fucks over DOSBox's video capture facility.
Also, just to make things more frustrating, the hotspot for the capsule is only a few pixels wide, otherwise Kent thinks you're clicking on the outer tube. So if you try to put the dude in the capsule but miss and click on the tube, Kent tells you that you need to use the buttons to call a capsule down, even though you already have. It's just poorly designed all round.

After sending the guy up, no new subject comes down. Instead of continuing his actual mission, Kent instead checks in with Conrad to ensure his hideous research can proceed as swiftly as possible.

Hahaha, nice try Kent.

Yeah, we'll get right on that.

When we attempt to ride the tube up to the Processing Floor ourselves, however, we find it isn't working either.

This place is run even worse than the TV Station was. At least they had technicians who knew how to fix things.

Kent decides to head through the broken window into Forensics. Of course, when Kent sees pointy broken glass everywhere, the first idea that comes to his mind is to make a retarded leap through the window, instead of stepping through carefully like a normal person.

Apparently they've had some kind of PI go and take photos of Kent's various exploits.

Kent is pretty damn pleased with himself.

Oops! Now there is a dish cloth right there on the ground that Kent can use to wipe off the fingerprints, or... can take the disgusting route by wiping the snotty glass shard from outside all over the extinguisher. Apparently one shard of glass had enough on it to cover half an extinguisher.

I think I'm going to be sick.

Kent finally finds a use for the rusty old cog he found at the Plush-Rest factory, all the way back in Update 2.

Luck is the sole reason you've made it this far, Kent. The waste grinder is still missing another part, however.

Kent also take the spanner lying around, just for kicks.

"Damping properties"? I'm not even sure what that's supposed to mean.

If only you'd left them in the store, where they would have performed an equally good job, perhaps they wouldn't have had such an easy trail to follow, Kent.

All of this is pretty incriminating stuff. It would probably be a good idea to take it all and get out of here, but of course Kent refuses to actually pick any of it up, asking what he would want with them. You fucking deserve to go back to the Blue Pens you idiot, Kent.

There's a couple of keys here. Surely these will be of vital importance!

On the way back out of the room, Kent steps carefully through the window, just to prove he could have done it all along and that his moronic, dangerous leap before was entirely pointless.

Sure enough, one of those two keys unlocks the door on the other side of the corridor.

Considering one was just used to carry out a crime, it's really not surprising, Kent.

Like your Deluge poster is any better.

I BET IT'S A WHOLE BUNCH OF INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE ON YOU, YOU LAZY FUCK. At this point I'm convinced Kent can't actually read, and so he just keeps making up excuses as to why he doesn't want to look at vitally important documents, or even take them for later viewing.

So yeah, there's nothing to do in this room. But the second key will open this locker. What will we find in there?

Literally nothing. You can't even select this poster. Those two keys, hidden away, allowed us to access an entirely useless room. Oh Normality, you got me again!
Wait a second, there was medical cabinet out there. Maybe that has something worthwhile? Perhaps this won't be a total waste of time after all?

Of course it will be. Say NO to drugs? What kind of hippie anarchist are you, Kent?

Back out here in the main research area, Kent remembers that the window was smashed when he released that research subject. Conrad is too focused on rolling his eyes around like fucking marbles to notice Kent slipping outside.

So we can escape, thank Christ for that. Not that we really have anywhere to go.

Kent pauses to take in the scenic view of Neutropolis.

Doing all what? Wiping snot on fire extinguishers? Throwing dogshit at technicians? You haven't done crap, Kent.

There's a ladder sitting here. You can't climb down it, but Kent is happy to pocket it.

Down we go. Kent decides to head back to The Den to report on his progress.

Oh God, is that Norm 2782 sitting there in his underwear? He'll play Dai's role of having absolutely no lines in this scene. Dai must be out getting the cradle set up, I guess.

Hahahaha, I love that.

Wait, wait, go back a minute. "Tighter than a duck's butt"? Kent???

Hahaha, Kent finally fires off at Brian. He's right though, other than Dai's occasional ride on a cradle, nobody else in this group actually does anything. When Kent is your most active member, you really should consider just shutting your rebellion down altogether.

Ah, that's probably what happened to Dai.

Somehow I now feel even less motivated to complete this mission.

Back in the Ordinary Outpost, we come across another of Normality's frustrating puzzles. We need to head to the Processing Floor, but when we ask about it...

...Kent just chickens out and doesn't allow the Norm to tell him the code! I don't get why not. If he was happy to give us the Research Floor code, then surely he'd be happy to give us the Processing Floor code, which presumably is less commonly accessed. Kent just refuses to ask for no good reason.
Oh, in case you're wondering why I'm not going and eliminating the rest of that evidence, frankly, if Kent doesn't want to just pick it up then fuck him. He can get fingered by the Forensics guys and I won't give a shit.
Ironically, that choice will actually help Kent rather than hinder him, as I'll cover in the next couple of updates.

So what's the solution to the Processing Floor puzzle? Remember earlier when the Norm said he couldn't use the men's room and the fountain made him feel likely to have an accident? You can repair the fountain by stepping on this random loose tile in the middle of fucking nowhere that looks almost identical to any other tile. No, there are no hints that the fountain will work when you do this. Don't forget that you have access to every location so far in the game at this point. You could be wandering all over the fucking gameworld trying to solve an actual puzzle, and then the solution is to step on a fucking loose tile. Oh, this helps you because the Norm has the elevator password stuck up on a piece of paper behind him that you can't see until he leaves. Yep.
This was the only puzzle that actually kept me stuck for long enough to have to check a guide so far. Fuck this puzzle.

Shut the fuck up, Kent. I'm sick of these retarded puzzles and I'm sick of you. Can't you just get fucking arrested and lobotomised already?
Fountain (0:32) - Kent tells the front desk Norm that the fountain is working, and the Norm leaves to take a piss, while Kent bounces around like a fucking rabbit for no Goddamn reason. Kent sees the password, 1-3-1-2, and heads upstairs to the Processing Floor.

This place looks weird as hell. Why would it look like this? What's up with the wallpaper? At least, I hope that's paper.

What were we even doing here again? Oh, that's right. The email server is down.

Of course, the email won't go through.

Hit him, Norm. HIT HIM!!

I can't wait for Kent to get arrested again.
There's a couple of side rooms with tubes in them, but they don't work at the moment. No idea how that Norm just then got down one, but it's not important.

The only real thing to do here is to push this gigantic red button.

The door behind the desk opens up, to reveal...

...some kind of insidious prison cells?
Will Kent discover Saul's location? Can he get out of here before Paul arrives? Is he completely fucked? Yes. Tune in tomorrow to find out!