Part 52: UPDATE 47: Covenant

Update 47: Covenant
Okay so when we left off I think we'd just gotten to the part where Freddie stabbed his best friend in the face with a fire sword. I predict Complicated Emotions coming soon!

Yyyyyyyep, here come the waterworks

All of a sudden Mari runs in.

He just sounds so honored!

no shit dude, we've known that since the end of the last damn chapter

WHAT A NICE GESTURE. Old gods are always so compassionate.

"i am just now remembering all this stuff, but i totally knew it all this time, yessirree"

It's like the end of The Last Crusade, except with a little Rumpelstiltskin thrown in for good measure!

So, wait. Yumil's actually a chick? ...explains a lot actually.

All this because Freddie fell down some stairs and said it didn't hurt. Yumil impresses pretty easily.

PROBLEM: Your best friend is leading a revolution against the government run by your father and brother and their liege lords
SOLUTION: Descend into Hell, become the ruler of that dark place, and bring forth an army of demons to merge that world and this one, toward the purpose of conquering the entire world with the power of a sleeping goddess whose soul you share, so that way land reform or whatever won't seem like such a big deal anymore
I guess it's the only hand he had to play, but a phrase my high school programming teacher used all the time comes to mind: "Like killing a fly with a battleship."

Mari doesn't like where this is going.

whoa hey she's got a sword! Where did that come from?
...No seriously, where was she keeping it? I don't see a scabbard anywhere.

I know he talks about me kind of weird but I ASSURE YOU it's not like that! We're just bros with kind of a psychologically unhealthy stairs-fall-based relationship!

Yeah okay this is WAY more unhealthy than the thing we had going. Way to show me up!

Oh, look, just what this scene needed. Another crazy demon person and another sword.
First time it's actually confirmed, but you have to have seen this coming: That shadowy "Zeda" figure who fed Baldwin and Richard all that misinformation and the enigmatic old lady who's always violating Mari's personal space are in fact the same person. What is her deal???

They teleport away together and leave Yumil and Freddie for some final alone-time.

(yep, that's still a thing)

well sure I guess you're allowed to do that one more time

Well, after all that, Frederick gets a bit of a conference-room upgrade. I wouldn't rejoice TOO much -- with this room's history, at least 4 people are going to barge in uninvited in the next 3 minutes.

Well with that we're back on the World Map. The revolution is, for all intents and purposes, over -- Lodis is in disarray, nobody has any idea where the Magnificent Asshole Brothers are, and the Palatinean royal family in its entirety is deceased. We're not done yet, though -- Yumil's out of the picture, but Zeda's still at large, and she's got Mari with her, which I guess is important for some reason. Before we do anything about that, though, we've got some business in Latium.

Specifically the only sidequest left in the game. I couldn't fit this into the Exploring the Central Region update due to wanting to do it before Latium, but this update is short enough to do it now. Send somebody to Vulge to start off.

Honestly I'm having more trouble with the part of your story involving Lodis apparently hunting down and rooting out all Berthan churches. They are aware that like a quarter of the country is run directly by the Eastern Orthodox Church, right? Hasn't this grabbed their attention at all?

Well at any rate, the angel anecdote sounds like a pretty good deal too. Know who does good deeds? WE do good deeds. Let's go get some swag.

We're there, and just in time, too! In order to get this next thing to trigger you have to have Freddie show up in Gothpicci between the hours of midnight and 4 AM. Angels are night owls, apparently!

Oh it's just an Angel Knight, that's not so impressive.
I've got like two Seraphim working for me as we speak. You think this bush-league tier-1 crap is gonna win me over?

NOW we're talkin
Look at the codpiece on THAT thing. It's... beautiful!

In order to get the Southern Cross, you need to have: (a) a high Chaos Frame; (b) the Ansate Cross that nun gave us forever ago for killing those thugs for her; (c) the Pedra of Bane; (d) the Pedra of Virtue; and (e) the Dream Tiara. That exact sequence of good deeds is enough to impress Flaum, and no other.
To be honest, for an Ultimate Sidequest Reward it's not really that great. It's just barely a step above the Rune Plate Freddie was already packing; the Ogre Armor and Armor of Death are both stronger than it. Your main reward here is warm fuzzies.

Sure does free up a Rune Plate for Europea, though! Hmm. I could have given her one already, apparently. Whoops! v

With that, we're back on the World Map once more. Apparently, the ruins Yumil was talking about in his death monologue are in the West -- remember that one cutscene forever ago, where he and Ankiseth were hanging out on top of this Stonehenge-looking thing and some asshole knight came and gave him a sword and a pretty servant girl and there was a totally inexplicable earthquake that wasn't foreshadowing anything at all? Yeah, that's where we're going. See you guys then!