Greetings, and welcome to Lets Play Okami! I, Silver Falcon, will be your host. Im taking up LPing this game after previous attempts petered out. Third times the charm? Lets see!
What is Okami?
Okami is an adventure game originally released by Clover Studios in 2006 for PS2. Sadly, the games sales ranged from mediocre to lackluster, and Clover subsequently went under. In 2008, Capcom and Ready at Dawn ported Okami to the Wii, and later went on to make a DS sequel- Okamiden, which was released in March 2011. There's also an HD remaster of this game, to be released on PSN in fall 2012.
Okami follows the journey of Okami Amaterasu, the Shinto sun goddess, in the form of a white wolf. Her partner on her journey is the diminutive wandering artist Issun, who provides gameplay hints and tutorial information, as well as serving as Amaterasus voice.
The game takes place in the land of Nippon: a fictional mythic era in the nebulous past of ancient Japan. It was a simpler time, when gods and demons roamed the earth. The land is threatened by Orochi, the dreaded 8-headed serpent, who has spread a terrible curse, choking the life from the countryside. Its up to Amaterasu to stop him and restore Nippons natural beauty.
Okami is rich in Japanese folklore and mythology, but you dont need to understand any of it to enjoy the game. (I sure as hell dont!

Sounds good to you? Then join me in a journey through a beautifully-constructed game world, replete with stunning visuals and fantastic music. Make no mistake folks: this is a quality game. Its clear at every turn that Clover poured its heart and soul into making it, and its a crying shame that the game sold so poorly.
General Info
This LP will be in video format, with subtitled commentary. This game is highly atmospheric, has a fantastic soundtrack, and doesnt move too quickly. I felt that subtitles would be less intrusive. If youre just dying to hear my scintillating voice, worry not! Boss fights and select mini-boss fights will be done in voice-over commentary, since there's a lot more happening on screen. I will also post an alternate version of said fights with no commentary for those who just want to listen to the sweet music while watching me completely humiliate the boss.
In the interest of avoiding LP burnout, which I have seen far too many times, I will try to keep a regular schedule. Updates will occur at least once a week, but no more than three times a week. I have a job, but no kids, so Im sure I can manage that much. Just dont expect daily updates, because it aint gonna happen. But dont worry! To keep things interesting, between updates I will discuss the games mythological allusions, keep a running bestiary, and offer various other discussion topics. This game is long, really, really long, so there will be plenty of content, trust me.
I will be doing a 100% run to the best of my ability. Yes, that includes that sidequest. I have some plans for that one. I dont know where absolutely every little treasure is though, so dont go into a spergy rage if I miss something. Minor note: Ill be playing the Wii version. The differences between it and the PS2 version are mostly negligible; Ill point them out here and there as we go. A detailed breakdown of the differences between the two versions can be found in the first post.
I welcome discussion, and I encourage you to play along with me, but please, no plot spoilers beyond what this LP has already covered. This game doesnt have that many surprises, but I still dont want them ruined for people who havent played the game.
I am also fine with people posting fanart, especially if its your own, but please, please please no creepy fanart! I define creepy as follows: dont post anything you wouldnt be comfortable showing an elderly relative. If your grandma wouldnt respond to a picture like so, Oh, look at the cute little wolf with face-paint, dont post it here, please. Id like to keep this thread clean. The posting of anything NWS, NMS, or (God forbid) furry crap

But enough of that! Lets watch the introduction:
Note: I will upload videos to several sites for your convenience. If you wish to simply watch them, you can use either YouTube or Gamers Tube (Gamers Tube offers higher quality). If you want to download them, use Gamers Tube.

YouTube Playlist, if that's your thing.
Intro Video Definitely watch this video if youve never played the game. It sets the stage well and establishes the backdrop for the rest of the story. Those who have can safely skip it. Theres nothing there you havent seen before.
Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
1 River of the Heavens Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
2 Kamiki Village
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Kamiki Item Collection Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 1: The Curse of Eastern Nippon
1.1 Hana Valley
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
1.2 Shinshu Field
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Shinshu Field Item Collection Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
1.3 The Konohana Shuffle Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Bonus video: Mr. Orange's Dance YouTube |Polsy
1.4 Agata Forest
Part1-voiced mini-boss Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Unvoiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
1.5 Tsuta Ruins Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
1.6 Tsuta Ruins Boss fight
Voiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Subbed Gamers Tube|YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 1 Wrap-up: Side Questin' Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 2: The Subjugation of Crimson Helm
2.1 Taka Pass
Part 1- Voiced Mini-Boss- Gamers Tube |Youtube |Polsy
Unvoiced- Gamers Tube |Youtube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
2.2 Kusa Village
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
2.3 Of Cutters and Sparrows Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
2.4 Sasa Sanctuary
Voiced mini-boss Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Unvoiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
2.5 The Canine Warriors
Agata Forest
Voiced mini-boss Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Unvoiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Kamiki Village
Voiced mini-boss Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Unvoiced Gamers Tube YouTube |Polsy
Interlude: Fishing with Kokari Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
2.6 The Gale Shrine Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
2.7 Boss: Crimson Helm
Voiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Subbed Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 2 Wrap-up: The Endless Night Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 3: Orochi's Return
3.1 100 Years Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
3.2 To the Moon Cave!
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
3.3 Boss: Orochi
Voiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Subbed Gamers Tube YouTube |Polsy
3.4 The Kamiki Festival Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 3 Wrap-up: The Road to the City Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 4: The Blight of Sei-an City
4.1 Ryoshima Coast
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Ryoshima Coast Item Collection Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
4.2 The Cursed City
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
4.3SunkenGhost Ship
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
4.4 Imperial Palace
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
4.5 Boss: Blight
Voiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Subbed Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
4.6 Sei-an City
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 4 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Bonus video: Kimono-Drawing Failure Reel
YouTube |Polsy
4.7 Kaguya's Journey Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
4.8 An Audience with the Queen Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 4 Wrap-up: Moving Vine-olation Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 5- The Mystery of Oni Island
4.1 North Ryoshima Coast
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
5.2 Catcall Tower Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
North Ryoshima Item Collection Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Bonus Video- Wwhy imp is piss: Fun with Sub-weapons Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
5.3 Dragon Palace
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
5.4 Inside the Dragon Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
5.5 Wheels within Wheels
Voiced mini-boss Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Unvoiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
5.6 Oni Island
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
5.7 Boss: Ninetails
Voiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Subbed Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 5 Wrap-up: Accessories to Murder
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 6- Twin Peaks, Twin Demons
6.1 Kamui- The Frozen North
Part 1- voiced mini-boss Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
unvoiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 Gamers Tube |Youtube |Polsy
6.2 Wep'keer
Part 1 Gamers Tube |Youtube |Polsy
Part 2 (Ezofuji) Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Mini-update: The Travel Guides
Kamui Item Collection Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
6.3 Yoshpet Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
6.4 Pon'tan Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
6.5 Inner Yoshpet Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
6.6 Through the Spirit Gate
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 (voiced mini-boss) Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
(unvoiced) Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
6.7 Boss: True Orochi
Voiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy (Feat. Cichlidae)
Subbed Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
6.8 Wawku shrine
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 (voiced sub-boss) Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
(unvoiced) Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
6.9 Boss: Lechku and Nechku
voiced Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
subbed Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Chapter 6 Wrap-up:
Revenge of the Thunder God Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Tome Sweet Tome Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
The Stray Stray Beads (Feat. Cichlidae)
Part 1 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 2 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Part 3 Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Bonus video: The Last Hurrah Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
The Endgame- Inside the Ark of Yamato
1 Boss Rush Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy (Feat. Cichlidae)
2 The Final Boss Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy (Feat. Cichlidae)
Original PS2 credits- YouTube |Polsy
Bonus Video: Messing with Yami GamersTube |YouTube |Polsy
New Game+ Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Bonus video: Presents from Issun Gamers Tube |YouTube |Polsy
Supplemental Material
1st Post
Mythology Dissections
Art of Okami: Official Complete Works, provided by Pesky Splinter
Soundtrack Links
Other Discussions
Brush Gods and their Techniques
Divine Instruments
2nd Post
The (Somewhat) Official Okami BestiaryTM
Alternate Dust Jackets
Art Gallery
Fanart Corner