Part 27: Okami Artbook 1

Big Daddy Jamba, Flower of Sasa Sanctuary - Chun, and Sparrow Clan Underlings

"The leader of the Sparrow Clan that controls all of Sasa Sanctuary. Though stoic in nature, his followers greatly admire him and praise his manly ways. He runs the inn, but since only those with a pure soul may enter, he does not get many patrons, so therefore his inn is constantly in the red.......*TWEET!*"
"Jamba's beloved daughter. Upon wandering outside Sasa Sanctuary, she is captured by Mr Cutter. If not for Ammy's heroism, she would have become the main ingredient for sparrow stew."
"Middle-class gangsters that joined the Sparrow Clan as a sign of their admiration of Jamba. They are so perceptive that they are able to accurately discern Jamba's true intentions from his one-word commands."
Hot Springs Guard

A young member of the Sparrow Clan charged with the maintenance of the hot spring inside the inn. His passion burns so strongly that the blood in his veins is like the steaming water of the hot springs. He is a likeable, if somewhat dramatic sparrow, who offers to make a roast of himself with burning torcehs as penance whenever the springs run dry.
Crybaby Tai and Take (the dog)

"Jamba's son, he is spoiled by his older sister Chun, and is therefore quite immature. The Sparrow Clan's underlings often worry about Tai's childish ways."
"Tai's beloved dog, who is secretly one of the eight Canine Warriors. To defend Sasa Sanctuary from an imminent assault by a demon, Take chose to stay and fight as a one-dog army instead of returing to the Gale Shrine. According to the Clan underlings, Take is just as childish as Tai."
Princess Fuse

A woman from the house of the Satomi Guardians, she took the position as high priestess of the Gale Shrine upon the death of her husband, the previous high priest.
Bamboo Harvesting Craftsman, Mr Bamboo

A warm old man living in Kusa village. The goods that he crafts from the bamboo are of the highest quality, and is customers flock from all over the country.

Loyal servants to the house of the Satomi Guardians, they have each recieved one of the legendary treasure orbs. With the Canine of Brotherhood as their leader, each dog burns with a passion for loyalty and justice. Unfortunately, dogs will be dogs, and Princess Fuse is often troubled that they do not return promptly from their strolls and ignore her when they're hungry.
(from left to right): Ko - Canine of Wisdom, Rei - Canine of Honor, Tei - Canine of Brotherhood, Chi - Canine of Knowledge and Shin - Canine of Faith.)
The Eight Canine Warriors

Note: The artbook translates the names somewhat differently from the game.
Crow Tengu

"The lasting regret of swordsmen who failed to master the path of the blade, twisted these crows into demons. He is able to toss an open fan into the air, and cut it in half with an accurate swipe. Those who cannot boast comparable skills will not escape the Crow Tengu with their lives."
Crimson Helm

A greater demon that has been warring with the Gale Shrine's protectors for 100 years. Its body, encased in crimson armour, burns with a violent inner flame. By swinging his two large swords, he calls forth fires that can incinerate anything.
Concept Art
Crow Tengu.

Normal mode.

En Flambé.

Artist's notes posted:
Crimson Helm was conceived almost solely for the express purpose of using the new brush skill, Galestorm.
As mentioned in Silver Falcon's previous mythology post, the Eight Canine Warriors, were just originally going to be the Eight Warriors, but with that strange, dog-ear hairdo that Princess Fuse has.
Apparently the designer was having difficulty with the designs, and put them on the backburner. By the time they revisted the Eight Warriors, they had instead chosen to do them as the dogs we're familiar with.

A minor thing to note, is that one of the swords wielded by one of the warriors, would have been the Murasame, a sword featured in the tale of the Eight Warriors as a sword that "has a magical blade of ice and water".