Part 30: Okami Artbook 1

Characters - Sei-an City
Tao Troopers - Kamo and Abe

"The secret HQ of Queen Himiko's Special Intelligence Unit hovers over the very heads of the citizens of Sei-an City's Commoners' Quarter. Their General is none other than Waka, who Issun deems a "false prophet".
Abe seems troubled by something that he is not comfortable discussing with anyone..."
The Three Little Girls

"This group of three are always playing outside. One of them is very sensitive to fads, and her little drawings are constantly changing according to the latest design released at the local clothing store."
Kimono Designer - Mr Chic

"Sei-an City's leading fashion designer not only sells beautifully-dyed materials, he is also constantly dreaming up new clothing designs. You could call him a pioneer of the modern fashion designer.
His wife (and boss), Mrs Fan, often complains that he spends too much time designing, and not enough selling."
Blossom and her Father

"Blossom is a pure and graceful daughter, who frets over the failing health of her ill father. At first they thought that this illness was caused by the mysterious mist covering the city, but, after the mist had cleared, his condition had shown no signs of recovery. Blossom believes that her father could be cured by an exotic herbal medicine, but it is not priced for commoners."

"An electrifying ghost that appears under a willow tree in the Commoners' quarter in Sei-An city. It seems the poor soul was struck dead by lightning. Being bored with a current existance of floating around and doing nothing, he says he would like to use his powers in an electrifying way."
Samurai Dandy

"A samurai who wears clothes with a distinctly western flare* [sic]. This samurai can provide you with information about a notorious pickpocket. He himself has fallen victim to this pickpocket, and lost his valuable glass pocket-watch."
*Should be "flair". Editors, Capcom! That's what you hire them for!


"This young boy struts around the Commoners' Quater with a flag that reads 'One per day', and has become something of a local attraction."
Himiko's Handmaiden

"A wise and intelligent young woman who has long served by Himiko's side. Loyal to the Queen, she welcomes Amaterasu into the manor house courteously, and is always prepared to lay down her life in defense of her Queen."
Queen Himiko

"The Queen keeps herself in a trance, in hopes of receiving a divine vision of the location of Oni Island, where the demons' stronghold stands. Oni Island appears and disappears randomly, and is therefore difficult to track by normal means.
The secret treasure of the Yamata clan - who have ruled of the city since ancient times - is the Crystal Ball. It has the ability to show its holder the future of Sei-an City, but also the future of Queen Himiko herself...
Characters - Ryoshima Coast and Dragon Palace
Fisherman - Urashima

"Works as a fisherman in the northern area of the Ryoshima Coast. He is a gentle sprit. Once he falls asleep, he doesn't awaken very easily. This is can be both a good and bad thing."
Emissary of the Dragon Palace - Orca

"Boasting swimming speeds beyond that of even the great Water Dragon, Orca offers express ferrying services through the waters of the Ryoshima Coast.
Should an individual worthy of a visit to the Dragon Palace step forth, he will appear at dawn to greet them. One of the critieria for earning a visit to the palace is to first find and reveal its hidden entrance."
Dancing Girls

"These four dancers (and their leader) were selected to perform a dance in an effort to rejuvenate the fountain inside the palace garden."
Leader of the Dragonians - Queen Otohime

"Otohime, wife of the King of the Dragonians, tell Ammy that it would be impossible to control the Water Dragon, for even in his current state, he is still a God.
There is still a way to borrow the Dragon's power, but it requires the retrieval of a unique treasure known as the 'Dragon Orb'. However, retrieving it could be very dangerous indeed..."
The Water Dragon

"A month ago, Oni Island suddenly appeared, unleashing demons upon the ill-prepared Dragon Palace. The Water Dragon came to its rescue and easily annhilated the demons.
Then the demons' leader, and Lord of Oni Island, came forth and challenged the Water Dragon, toying with him, as if he were but a newborn baby.
The Water Dragon suffered deep wounds which later caused him to lose all sense of himself and go on a rampage."
King of the Dragonians - King Wada

"The truth was that the Water Dragon was really the alternate form of King Wada - the 27th King of the Dragonians.
No matter the circumstances, he could not forgive himself for the grief that he caused for his people, and his guilt plunged him into the depths of ocean near Ryoshima Coast."
Dragon Palace

Developer's Notes posted:
The interior of the Dragon Palace is actually a recycled Sasa Sanctuary. This is how we dealt with with the issue of the sheer amount of work we had to do, versus the limited amount of time alloted to us to do it in. Even the Water Dragon's insides are a mirror image of Hana Valley.
The Dragon Palace has the ultimate security system in the form of a giant squilla shell*. Every now and then, we got the chance to hit the world of Okami with some outlandishly larger-than-life crazy idea like this.
Water Dragon's body

Concept Art

According to the artist notes, Kaguya was originally going to appear later in the story and was heavily involved in a story taking place on the surface of moon. This was scrapped at some point in development.
Silver Falcon's mythology dissection on Kaguya and the Tale of the Bamboo cutter has already explained the reason for her look.
Also, take note of the colour of her hair. It's blonde, which subtly hints at her different origin. Everyone else in the game has black hair (or white/ grey if old). Well...almost everyone...

In order to make her stick out, they stuck a pyre of holy flaming fire on her head.