Part 38: Soundtrack Discussion 1

Good evening, viewers! Today, Im going to talk about the soundtrack of this fine game. Okamis soundtrack is truly top-notch. According to the composers Masami Ueda and Hiroshi Yamaguchi, the music is inspired by classical Japanese music. These fellows did a truly bang-up job, because the soundtrack fits the mood perfectly. Its clear that a lot of effort went into its composition (just like for the rest of the game, really).
Ill post a few highlight tracks that I feel really represent the game well. But really, its very hard to pick favorites. Theyre all excellent! If I miss anything you feel should be included, point it out and Ill rectify the oversight swiftly!
All tracks will be linked from YouTube, Polsy-fied because of potential spoilers in the related videos.
Note: There is an official soundtrack (all five discs of it!) for this game, but, tragically, its not available outside Japan.
Title Theme This one gets overlooked a lot, because youll hear it for a few seconds at most before loading your game file and getting down to business. You wont hear it much in my LP either, because I dont start recording until my save is already loaded.
Its a shame, really, because the title theme is a quality piece of music.
Issuns Theme This piece is bouncy, lighthearted, and fun. Its just a nice, happy tune. Makes me smile listening to it.
Curse A sinister piece of work. You dont hear it for very long in the LP because I dont waste much time, but it is worth a listen because its good mood music. It does a good job of establishing that Something is Not Right.
Celestial Brush This is the little jingle that plays when you use the Brush. This tune is another one that is largely ignored. However, that does not mean that the composers skimped on it. Its still a nice little piece. Its amazing to me how much effort goes into little jingles like this that, most likely, no one will notice.
Constellation This is another good little jingle that you might not even notice unless you pay attention.
Painting Stars Same deal as above. I think this track captures the celestial/cosmic feel really well, but again, you wont really notice unless you go out of your way to pay attention.
Feeding animals Soooooo relaxing.
Kamiki Village Kamiki gets a few theme music tracks for the various stages of its recovery. The feel of the music gets steadily more optimistic and upbeat as you solve the Villages problems. Its a really nice touch, and another one that gets overlooked.
Susanos Theme This track is just fantastic, really, one of the best in the game, in my opinion. I never get tired of listening to it. Its just so darn heroic sounding. The contrast between the music and Susanos behavior is hilarious.
Sakuyas Theme This one is just beautiful. Much like Sakuya, I suppose. It suits her well.
Shinshu Field (cursed) Lonely, melancholy, empty, just like Shinshu Field when you first visit it. This track is absolutely perfect for the mood and location.
Cursed Hana Valley Similar to Cursed Shinshu Field, but with an air of mystery as well, which fits the puzzle-solving aspect.
Great Divine Intervention Such a hopeful, majestic tune! Just makes you want to cheer for the recovery of nature, doesnt it?
Sleepy's Theme Another lighthearted and silly one.
Shinshu Field Another great track. It really fits the wide expanse of Shinshu Field, where adventure is waiting!
Tamas Theme This is another fun, bouncy sort of tune. Its a little silly as well, just like Tama.
Moon Cave Melancholy and mysterious. This track gives me chills.
Battle Music Good music to get you pumped up for beating down some bitches.
And thats it for now! Of course, theres lots more of the game to go through, and lots more great music! Ill post more as we go along, mark my words.