Part 42: Soundtrack Discussion 5

Time to post the musical highlights of Act 2!
Ryoshima Coast This, this right here? My favorite track in the whole game. I know I said its tough to pick favorites from so many good tunes, but this is mine. I just love it. Its grand, sweeping, majestic, and conveys the sense of discovery and adventure perfectly! If you dont listen to this at least twice, you have no soul.

Cursed Sei-an City A fitting tune to go along with the stagnant, hopeless air of Sei-an City. Interestingly, the opening notes of this track are the same ones that Komuso plays on his flute.

Dig, Ammy, Dig! Another theme for the digging mini-game. This time, the stakes are higher: youre digging to save Sei-an City!
Raos Theme An elegant tune with a sensual twist. It suits Priestess Rao quite well.
Sei-an City: Commoners Quarter A happy, up-beat tune. Now the city is back to normal and the people can go about their lives!
Sei-an City: Aristocratic Quarter A more somber theme, stately and dignified. All is not well in the city quite yet, and the nobles know it, being closer to the Imperial Palace.
Kaguyas Theme An elegant, mysterious tune, with a celestial feel. Just who is Kaguya, anyway?
Kaguyas Journey A sad tune. It represents Kaguya saying goodbye to her beloved grandfather and starting her journey in search of herself, and her past.
Queen Himikos Theme Her realm is besieged by a threat shes powerless to stop. All she can do is pray. This tune is heavy with sorrow and hopelessness, sad and beautiful.
Well Always Be Together! This is the friendship theme, bouncy and hopeful. Its short, but sweet!
Orcas Theme A majestic and nautical tune! Its perfect for riding around on the ocean blue.
The Dragon Palace Mysterious, elegant, and underwater-y. This theme fits the Dragon Palace perfectly.
Inside the Water Dragon Similar to the Dragon Palaces theme, but with an ominous, tense, undertone.
Oni Island Ominous and threatening. This is not a place where Amaterasu is welcome! Shed better stay on her guard.
Boss Fight: Ninetails More mood music to get you primed for some serious butt-kicking! This bitch has had it coming for a long time!
Thatll do it! The next soundtrack discussion will be the last. Ill be covering the best tunes from Chapter 6 and THE ENDGAME (and there are a lot, trust me). But thats a ways off, yet. For now, its back to the game!
Vil posted:
The main point of the act 2 soundtrack discussion had better be the supreme and utter awesomeness of Ryoshima Coast.
I believe I have already made my opinion regarding the Ryoshima Coast music abundantly clear.