Part 43: The Treehouse
UPDATE 43: The Treehouse
We've taken care of every street and sidequest in the afternoon of Day 3. Except for one.

Wait, Mewo? What are you doing out here?

No, wait come back!

Gah, where did that blasted cat get to? Anyway, there's nothing going on at THE MAVERICK'S house. He's just inside playing video games, there is a small little thing we can do at the All American house though...

Yeah, I don't know either... You'd think the sparking electricity or the smell of melting plastic would have given this away.

Good thing Kel likes the stuff, we've got like three now.

...Thanks? I guess? Kind of a downgrade after saving the world from the Recyclopath just a bit ago. Cris still has nothing to say, though we haven't checked out the parent's bedroom yet.

Just Leave Me Alone

He's a fan of the same kind of music Aubrey listens to. Not sure who's the bigger dork here, to be honest.

Heading to Kel and Hero's house... there's nobody here and nothing to do except go into their room for a bit. May as well, we won't be back.

Remember how dream Hero said he'd eventually outgrow it? Yeah... didn't look like that happened.

I hope Hero doesn't become a surgeon otherwise he's going to need a special malpractice policy for if a spider shows up.

Seems like Sunny's still the best at video games. I didn't see a game console at his house, but maybe it's already packed up.

We are done with Faraway Town for now... it's time for some quality moments with our friends.

Treehouse: Here We Are, Together Again

A very good question, same as with the TV... unless someone ran a line up here. Probably not the safest move.

What do you mean was? And of course the TV was brought by Kel too...

Everything else in here is

We've already seen these many times... and even all but one of these two updates ago... but this will be the last time we get a chance to see them so please do look through them again - at least to see the new one. If you want to skip to the new one, it's on 8/14.

12/25 - Christmas
My first photo! It's my best friend, Sunny, trying out his new violin. He's starting to take lessons again so he can play at recitals with his sister, Mari. So exciting!

2/18 - My Birthday
It's my 12th birthday today! I thought my friends forgot, but they all surprised me with a strawberry cake. I feel so lucky... This year is looking to be a good year!

2/18 - My Birthday
Another group photo. This was a little after I opened all my presents! Mari bought me this photo album, and everyone else bought me film for my camera. I'll try my best to use it all.

2/18 - My Birthday
Just Kel being Kel... So... Many... party hats...

2/18 - My Birthday
Sunny playing a video game on the couch. Sunny is a little shy, but he's a really good listener. I always end up venting to him when I get upset or stressed. Sometimes I feel like I'm bothering him, but he never seems to mind.

2/18 - My Birthday
Mari and Hero fell asleep on the couch. They look so cozy together... Hehe... I hope they don't mind the photo. Mari's dad might be kind of mad if he saw it...

Hero and Mari washing dishes from breakfast. We're staying over with Mari and Sunny this weekend. It's getting warmer lately so we're about to go to the park. Kel says there's a secret lake area behind some bushes, so we're all going to check it out!

We're back from the park, but Kel is still full of energy. He challenged Hero to an arm-wrestling match, but we all know who's going to win... Please go easy on him, Hero...

Oof... Sorry, Kel... better luck next time.

Kel was still feeling a little sour about losing to Hero in arm-wrestling last night, so Hero decided to lean in for a smooch! Kel looks so annoyed. Ah, brotherly love...

Me showing Sunny a book I've been reading. Mari stole my camera and took this when I wasn't paying attention. I should really keep better track of my things.

It's all of us cuddling with Sunny's stuffed animals. He has so many, and they're all so soft! I wish I could just lay here forever.

It's already the last day of March! We're having a picnic with Mari at our secret lake spot. Mari wanted to take a picture of everyone! Say cheese!

After eating all the food, everyone fell asleep, except me, Hero, and Mari. Something unfortunate happened when I was taking the photo. Ahem... Thanks a lot, Hector. I'll have to cover it up with tape later.

I caught Mari carrying Sunny on the way home from school today. He must have fallen asleep on the bus. I thought it was so cute, so I got my camera out as quick as I could to snap this once-in-a-lifetime photo! Sigh... Sometimes I wish I had a sibling.

Mari is teaching everyone how to make flower crowns! Here's Sunny and Kel holding Mari's example. It looks perfect, doesn't it? If only Mari thought so, too.

Sunny and Kel gave up on making flower crowns and ran off, but Aubrey and I got the hang of it really fast! Everyone thinks a flower crown really suits me. Maybe just a flower is okay.

Hero's still making his flower crown. It's taking him a little while, but he's getting there. You have to admire his persistence!

It's raining super hard today! The rain always seems to come out of nowhere during springtime. Aubrey asked me to take a picture of her with her new raincoat. It's her favorite color, pink!

Aubrey won't let Kel under the umbrella, but Kel seems to be taking it just fine. He says he likes how the rain tastes.

Just Kel being Kel again... We went to Hobbeez, but the shop owner told Kel to leave his jacket outside since Kel was getting all his comics wet. Sorry, Shopkeep.

It's been pretty busy with school lately, but we finally made time to get together and go to the park today. Here's Kel hanging his legs off a tree. He's such a good climber! I wish I was as fearless as him.

Mari bought everyone Popsicles, one of every flavor! Sunny got lemon, Hero got root beer, Kel got orange, Aubrey got watermelon, and Mari got grape! Mine was banana... it tasted okay.

All of our shoes in a circle! Can you guess whose shoes are whose?

It's the first day of summer vacation, so we all wanted to celebrate by going to the beach! Watermelon is Aubrey's favorite.

Kel cooling off with some refreshing Orange Joe! I shouldn't get too close or he might get my camera wet. Kel is known to spill his drinks.

We buried Sunny in the sand! It took forever, but he looks like he's enjoying himself. I wonder if he's going to need help getting out. I guess I'll keep him company until then.

Mari says she wants to get a summer tan! I'm scared to fall asleep in the sun, since I get sunburned really easily. Hmm... I'm not sure what Kel is doing here, but he's probably having a good time.

Hero sleeping on Mari. He's all tired out from swimming. Well... It seems like Mari won't be able to get her summer tan after all.

We're about to head home, but I managed to catch one last photo with Mari and Hero! They look so happy. A match made in heaven!

7/20 - Sunny's Birthday
Yay! Sunny is turning 12 today! Even though me, Sunny, Aubrey, and Kel are in the same school year, Sunny is younger than all of us. He's the baby of the group, so we have to take care of him!

7/20 - Sunny's Birthday
Sunny holding a super huge present, from Mari and Hero! Hmm... I wonder what it is.

7/20 - Sunny's Birthday
You can't really tell from the photo, but Mari and Hero got Sunny a giant building block set. Sunny seems much more interested in the box though. He acts just like Mari's new kitten, Mewo!

7/20 - Sunny's Birthday
Sunny won't leave the box, so Kel put a food bowl inside. I guess this box will be Sunny and Mewo's new home.

We're going beetle-catching today! Here's Kel, ready to pounce on his next victim! Oh, and Sunny is there too. He looks kind of sleepy.

Mari says this beetle is a giant stag. It suddenly fell from a tree and surprised everyone! Hero is too grossed out to look.

I went to the bathroom, and came back to this photo... Kel says he took a picture of himself on accident, but I don't believe him...

Ta-da! All summer, we've been working on a treehouse in Sunny's backyard and today it's finally finished! Hero and his dad did most of the work, but Aubrey and I made paper plants to put in the window sill! We all did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself!

All of us hanging out in our brand new treehouse! Looks like Sunny is finally reading the book I showed him! I want to spend every day in here, but it's a shame that summer vacation is almost over. I hope we get to use this treehouse more next summer!

We went to Hobbeez to read the latest edition of Capt. Spaceboy! Everyone's so into it right now! I'm sure it's all anyone is going to be talking about once school starts.

I'm playing cards with Kel, Hero, and Aubrey. They're so easy to read. They can't hide anything on their faces! Mari baked everyone cookies from scratch. They were chocolate chip and super delicious, like always!

Looks like I have the winning hand, hehe... But nobody knows that yet...

It's the first day of school today! Me, Sunny, Kel, and Aubrey are up bright and early. Aubrey is so photogenic!

Sigh... Goodbye, summer! Until next year...

Sunny giving Mari a big hug! Mari doesn't come home until late now because she's taking extra classes to prepare for college. Me and Sunny have been hanging out a lot, but I'm sure he still misses her a lot.

Mari practicing her part for a big recital next month. We're all going to go watch! It's going to be Mari and Sunny's first performance together, but I know they'll do just fine! We will all be showing our support from the audience!

Mari getting a little camera shy, because she's made a small mistake. Don't worry, Mari! Just keep going! No one will even notice!

After some begging, Sunny came to join Mari for recital practice... hehe... They're still working out some stuff, but they already sound so amazing! I know they're going to be great. Go, Mari! Go, Sunny! You can do it!

See You Tomorrow