Part 21: Episode XXI: Behold the King of Norway!
Episode XXI: Behold the King of Norway!
When last we left our hero, he was staring down a rehashed boss from several hours ago at the doorstop of the demon world. With that said, let's continue...

Right, then. Down to business. Marcellus-2 is easily the hardest boss in the game? Why, you ask?

Thanks to his newly revised attack pattern of having his weapon turn red, all of his attacks are unblockable and have a fairly huge range.

Yes, that includes his wind attack. Which is now more or less a 'fuck you you're getting hit' attack.
On top of his unblockable attacks, Marcellus also has extremely high HP, defends just about everything, and will automatically parry any combo over three attacks. And that's just when he's using his old battle tactics.

Once his shield gets whittled away (all initial attacks will be against his shield), he decides to summon up a second sword.

This somehow transforms him from a slow as molasses, movement wise, to a blurring speed demon that can dash from one end of the arena to the next in a whirlwind of unblockable attacks.

But, on the plus side, he begins to block exclusively with his face in the second half of the fight. Leaving him wide open to cheese through with magic attacks.

Marcellus proceeds to unimpressively crumble away into dust. Whelp, that was a waste of time. Now for the final stretch.

Up ahead is the 'Dark Fountain'. Also known as, the final save point. Not that it's a point of no return or anything. They just want the player to have a lengthy walk back to the final boss, just for one last 'fuck you'.

To the left of the save point is this curious little structure. Although, there is absolutely no indication to do so, this is where that Bishamon Ocarina finally gets a use.

There's no special song Sam needs to toot into it or anything. Just random blasting out a trio of slightly off-key notes does the trick.

Within we have some manner of Giger-esque pedestal.

Or perhaps it's a writhing demon with a magical sword stuck in its chest. Something like that. likes him.

The true reward of the Dark Realm gauntlet is finally revealed, the ultimate weapon in the game: The Bishamon Sword.

The Bishamon Sword acts largely similar to the Raizan and default blades, as far as fighting and speed goes. The key difference is strength. That being, Raizan is a decently strong weapon. The Bishamon Sword can one-shot two-thirds of the enemies in the game. The last third take a whole two or three hits to take down. So it is...slightly...overpowered.
In short it's the Raizan if it was set to auto-Issen attack.

In addition, it has a unique magic attack; a instant 180 degree arc of fire which can, in fact, one-shot everything in the game, outside bosses. And by one-shot I mean the fucker is dusted on impact. Since that wasn't quite overpowered enough, it can also do this infinite times. There is no magic meter for the sword. It has unlimited power.

The rest of the game is going to be such a breeze, right? Outside of slimy pulsating vagina holes in the wall giving birth to Reynaldos... That I could probably do without... But, it's smooth sailing, other than that.

Too bad final boss is literally two minutes away from the point Samanosuke gets the weapon.

I suppose it would make far too much sense to have barred the entrance to the king of demon's chambers, especially during a holy ceremony which no other demons may witness. Or...even guarded, for that matter. Being such, Sam waltz right in.

Sam proceeds to help them by...reaching out momentarily before shrugging and getting distracted.

At first I assumed it was a demonic voice... turned out to be a janitor with a head cold forcing his voice a few octaves lower.

No wonder they picked a castle with dozens upon dozens of useless corridors. The damn king of the demons lives in one.

Samanosuke goes forward with an interesting strategy of standing in front of the door and holding his ground.

And I mean standing right in front of the door. As in close enough that it wacks him on his ass upon opening. Things go about as well as you can imagine.
Fortinbras decides to coil around to the top level and see how things are hanging with Yuki.

So this is the King of Demons...? A death metal concert prop... I'd say Capcom was being less than inventive, but they actually opted not to have it turn into some manner of gelatinous blob, at any point.
So, I suppose it's slightly creative, by Capcom standards.


And with that, Nobunaga and his wicked 'stache descend to the depths of Fortinbras' chamber to begin the Dark Ceremony uninterrupted... Aside from the unguarded front entrance, the hero already having come to do battle, and 90% of the demon's high level staff killed.
But, aside from that, I'd say things will probably all work themselves out for the demon horde.
Tune in Next Time For:

Final Battles!

Ridiculous Transformations!!

Extreme Gore!!!
Bonus Content:
Behold! Fortinbras! (Warning: Terribly Unconvincing Voice Acting Within)