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by Ferr

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Original Thread: Overlord - Brown! Brown! Brown! Red! [VLP]


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Developer: Triumph Studios
Publisher: Codemasters
Released: June 26, 2007 (North America)
Platform: X-Box 360, PC

Overlord is a 3rd-person fantasy/adventure game where the player assumes the role of an evil overlord. At the start of the game the overlord is ressurected from beneath a pile of rubble to find that his totally sweet overlord pad has been trashed, his gold has been plundered, and even his most basic of evil-doing tools have been carried off, all by a band of pesky do-gooding heroes. So the overlord must roam the countryside putting wrong what once went right and returning evil to its true place in the land.

However, being an Overlord means never doing your own dirty work and that is why you hire Norm MacDonald.

Wait... no. That is why you have a swarm of minions. Minions are your goto guys for wreaking havoc and general evildoing. They come in several flavors:


Browns are the basic minions. They are your main Fighting Force, but posses no special abilities and are very stupid. Browns can pickup and use alot more items than any other minion and when fully equipped become an elite fighting force.


Reds are weaker than brown in close combat but have a deadly long ranged fireball attack. They also clear fire obstacles.


Greens are weak fighters but they make good assassins. If you tell them to guard an area they will become invisible. Greens do the most damage possible by a minion if directed to the back of an enemy.


Blues are the only minions that can swim. Blue minions poses the resurrect minions from the dead and are immune to and can damage magical creatures and beings. They suck at fighting and die a lot.

Question: This sort of sounds like Pikman
Answer: That wasn't a question, shut up.

Throughout the game the Overlord is presented with situations in which he makes a decision to either be evil, or be REALLY evil. Alowing the player to either be their own incartion of Hitler, or but a mere Pol Pot.

Question: This sort of sounds like Fable
Answer: That wasn't a question, shut up.

Your guides through the dark side: Ferr, Maxwell Adams, Evek, Pipes! (if he feels like joining us) whoever we dig up on Skype at godless hours.

Question: Aren't you just Maxwell Adams' sidekicks?
Answer: Yes but I am also a well rounded person with my own hobbies and friends! This time around, Evek and I will be stepping off the couch and getting the mouse dirty.


Ferr Plays - 01Google Video
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Evek Plays - 17Google Video
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Maxwell Adams Plays - 20Google Video
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Evek PLays More - 27Google Video
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Ferr Rides Again - 30Google Video
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