Part 21: Episode 21: Criminal Negligence

Today, we find ourselves once again traversing a narrow alleyway as we attempt to find out where that bloodcurdling scream came from two updates ago. Yeah, Dryfield's kinda boring, but I still like it, dammit!

Oh, what's this? Aw, he's sleepin'


shit, he's awake, ABORT!

Luckily, Plasma can knock a Chaser flat on his big dumb butt even if he's charging! I am invincible!

wait fuck there's two

The bayonet may be slow and unwieldy, but damn does it look cool.

Alright, so that went exactly according to plan, so we can start checking out these houses, starting with the one closest to where we came in.

So, our pal Doug fenced this area in. To keep NMCs out? Or to keep highway drivers from stumbling into a mess of murderbeasts? Either way, it didn't seem to work.

Inside, we find the Sacred Mesa has a bit of a mosquito/fetus infestation. The single shot nature of the P08 is really fantastic for cleaning up these little nuisances without wasting any extra ammo. Plus, it looks baller as hell

After taking care of business, we can look around and find that the joint is wrecked.

Sweet, Belt Pouches are a bit on the rare side, particularly this early in the game, so this is a welcome find.

that friggin' well

Hey, they can't all be golden, folks.

Definitely in the American South-West. This little store could be copy-pasted from virtually any small town in New Mexico. Or hotel lobby. Or airport.

Okay, let's scope out the next place.

Huh. Y'know, the game never mentions it, but I bet this is where the souvenir shop owner lives. I imagine it looks much nicer during non-monster related disasters, of course.

Yeah, fuck you, too, Squaresoft.

Quit doing that, game!

Well, no screaming people in there. Better check the last house.


let's steal it

We can faintly hear screaming as we approach the last house



Just wanna point out that Aya can hear a woman screaming Bloody Murder this whole time. Just sayin'

Time to be a big damn hero!


so why don't you just

Wait, where are you going?! This bit here really bugs me. Look, I understand that survival horror rules dictate that locked doors are completely unbreakable barriers forged by Hephaestus himself, and normally, I don't mind having to go find a chess piece in a toilet or whatever to unlock them.
But there is literally someone screaming for help RIGHT FUCKING THERE! Did Aya learn nothing from Daniel? This is one situation where the only sensible option is to KICK THAT FUCKER DOWN!

But no, we have to back in here, because _______

So, here's this wardrobe. It is important, and you can still hear the screams from next door when you stand near it.

It is clearly a secret passage.

But someone is a big dick and bolted it to the wall.

A wrench, like one might find in a garage or...Wait a minute.


Fucking really?

You're gonna make me run all the fucking way back to Douglas's place where I first heard the fucking screaming to progress? Y'know, Parasite Eve 2, I like you, I really do. But sometimes...

Okay, whatever, here's a wrench, let's just

...the fuck? What do you want me to do? Go ask Douglas's permission to save a woman's life?!

Oh, that is what I'm supposed to do.

I know being polite is a big thing in Japan, but this is ri-goddamn-diculous.

Oh, and apparently Douglas is the one who sealed up that house in the first place. So why doesn't he just give us the key to the front door?
Because shut up, that's why.

Look, that lady is probably dead by now, honestly, so why not make a quick phone call while we're here?

A note from the desk of Crowetron
Haha, what a wacky adventure. So, uh...remember last update, the teaser at the end? Well, I had underestimated how much space all the flavor text and wrench shenanigans would take up, so we'll have to wait until next update from that dramatic reveal.
So, to make up for it, here's a thing I found in Doug's trailer that I didn't know about until this playthrough!

Douglas is a TFR goon and Pierce is a creepy internet detective. Yup.