Part 56: Episode 55: The Beginning of the End

So, I've done all the fucking around I can possibly do, so there's nothing left to do but go finish the game. As an aside, I interpret this loading screen you get in the Parking Garage after the military moves in to be a confirmation that the pictured cutscene was everyone's favorite part, even the developers.

Y'know, I just now noticed how awkwardly Aya holds larger guns, like shotguns and rifles. Like, wouldn't it be more comfortable to hold it in two hands? Or get a sling or something?
Whatever, I'm rambling.

Inside, we find...

...Oh, right, this is a Japanese game. Almost forgot.

No.9 is actually talking to the glowy tentacles here, but I completely understand if that knowledge is no comfort.

thoughs eyes

Ignoring a golden opportunity to make a Batman reference, I just want to point out that a harlequin is defined as "a comic character in commedia dell'arte and the harlequinade, usually masked, dressed in multicolored, diamond-patterned tights, and carrying a wooden sword or magic wand."
I have no earthly idea why 9 thinks Aya fits this description. I think he's just trying to be theatrical since the first game had an opera singer as an antagonist.

See? Get your own gimmick, 9!

Oh yeah, I guess Kyle is hanging out back there. I guess I was distracted by the cackling monkey man waving a sword around and his buddy the glowing squid.

He's so giddy about his megalomania

Aya that is not how you hold a gun Aya what are you doing

I take back everything negative I've ever said about you, 9.

For a second, I thought this was a sick

Shockingly, the guy who looked exactly like Kyle Madigan and was referred to as such turns out to be...Kyle Madigan


ps: No.9 is laughing his ass off back there


Oh shit, you just fell for the ol' triple cross, son!

And the squid monster gets a mouthful of lead, too!

What's he...?

Thus ends the King Golem, Number 9. He died as he lived: being eaten by a giant anus.

And nobody even pretends to give a shit. RIP 9.

Kyle magics up a radio and starts to call for an extraction.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working.

Run to this FMV!

Wait, this top secret lab has a glass domed ceiling? AND a giant outdoor helipad? In the age of satellite surveillance how in the blue hell did no one ever find this place until now?

anyway, space laser

Oh God, run little scorpion!

At least Aya's car can't get any more banged up.

oh nooooooo

RIP Dryfield

At this point, the animators remembered that this was the climax to a Parasite Eve game.

So, y'know what?

Time for a monster baby! Complete with crying sound effects!

And being a big goofy baby, the hatchling rather ungracefully plummets to the level below.

Oh shit, I forgot we were in that room, too!

'Course it'll take a lot more than a measly orbital bombardment to kill Aya Brea

Kyle shouts back to us from beyond the smoke.

And so, Aya runs off to be a big goddamn hero.

Hey, Kyle's clothes aren't burned off! He doesn't even look that hurt!


RIP Madigan.

Now we just need to ride the elevator down one level and face the boss. But first, Aya remembers that time some DICK shot her. Good thing that was just in a cutscene.

Wait, I actually took damage from that? 50 HPs worth? That's nearly a third of my health!