Part 61: Bonus Update: Rat Chat
Bonus Update: Rat Chat
Cue the music, Johnny!

Real shame 'bout those prosthetics, though. Burnsie didn't always have dat big tube stickin' outta his mouth, y'know. Da make-up fellas on PE2 were unda a lot o' pressure, ya gotta undastand. Da director wanted stuff WAY outside der budget. So, they experimented a little. It mostly worked out, but Ol' Burnsie had a bit of an allergic reaction to da mouth piece. Sumthin' about the glue or whateva. After shooting his scenes, his big ol' throat just closed up. Burnsie died in da ambulance. Weren't nobody's fault, mind you! Just another sad tale in da business.

Anyways, Blizz got da part in dis picture thanks ta Burnsie. Dey was roommates at da time, ya see, an' Ol' Burnsie always looked out for 'is friends. A few days before shootin' his scene, Blizz got approached by some recruiters. Football guys, I think? I don't rememba exactly, but someone wanted him ta run for a professional team. Pro sports! Do youse know how much money pro sports guys make? More den monsters do! But, while shootin' his scene, Blizz broke 'is ankle. A nasty break, too, I rememba seeing da pictures. Blizz neva told anyone how it happened, but I've worked wit dat Brea broad, so I didn't ask no questions. Blizz neva got to run in no pro ball game. Last I saw 'im, he was still bussin' tables at da bar down behind da bowlin' alley. He don't talk much no more, but at least he's got 'is health.

So, dis kid comes outta nowhere, gets his Screen Monsters Guild card, and snags a minor role in dis game, right? No big deal, good for him, y'know? But den, dis kid started comin' to da Guild meetings, and out came all da crazy! It started small, wit' him not wantin' ta sit by "undesirables" and "dirt". But we monsters got thick skin, so whateva, y'know? Den, he starts handing out dese manifestos; weird little things he printed out at da Kinko's or where eva. He didn't give any to yours truly. In fact, he only gave 'em ta certain folks at the Guild. After a few days, we figured out da pattern: Only hairless, furless, white-skinned monsters got 'em. An' wouldn'tcha know it, da manifestos were littered with "Racial purity" nonsense an' such! Before da kid could start burnin' crosses in front o' da Village Inn where da meetings were held, we kicked 'im da hell out. A few years later, he got busted fer sellin' coke. Couldn't 'ave happened to a nicer guy.

But not every story is a sad one. Eddie had a pretty easy time in da joint, y'know considerin'. Turns out even da most deranged crook thinks twice 'bout messin' wit a fish monster. Eddie's out now, and wit a little help from his ol pal Rattigan, he's turned 'is whole life around. 'e teaches scuba divin' down at da shore now. It's a steadier job den show biz, an' Eddie loves workin' wit people. Yup, things pretty much worked out fer Eddie Boggs. Sometimes, I wonda if he's da only one ta walk away from a Parasite Eve picture unscathed...